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  1. Aidan1


    Present omicron seems not so difficult for the people, but we have 5 covidpatients on our icu. They all are unvaccined. The Pandemie is a tragedy for many people around the world. But it is also tragedy that it is splitting familys, and followers of Christ in the question to vaccine or not.
  2. Aidan1


    Nehemiah6, you still believe what you wrote last April? Any proofs for your claimes? I mean proofs, not conspiracy claims.
  3. Aidan1

    Gift of Healing

    Nope, if we talk about physical healing of our body then the apostle Paul is the best example to realize that it is not a question of faith!!
  4. Aidan1

    Gift of Healing

    Correct, but this is not yet! It is when Jesus returns or we die. And solong we are in our weakly body, with all his weaknesses and pains.
  5. Aidan1

    what are your thoughts of Apostle Kathryn Krick

    You asks for thoughts? Alone the fact, that she calls herself an Apostle of Jesus Christ shows that she is not.
  6. Aidan1

    Gift of Healing

    Thank you, but you forget the sentence before: " Yes, there is a hope to be healed. But it is no guaratee while we live on earth." That God is carrying us through the life difficulties is not the point. I believe this too. The point was that there is no promise from God given that Christians...
  7. Aidan1

    Gift of Healing

    CS1, with what you disagree if I may ask you?
  8. Aidan1

    Gift of Healing

    Praise the Lord! I dont know anybody ( including me), who likes it to be sick, or to have pain. Yes there is a hope to be healed. But it is no guaratee while we live on earth. To claim something different is a lie. I know brothers and sisters in Christ which died of cancer or heartattack. I...
  9. Aidan1

    Gift of Healing

    Physical healing is no promiss made for Christians. We all suffer under the sinfall in Genesis 3. We know that Jesus healed all people which came to him, but according John 20.31 Jesus did these for to proof that he is the son of God. Similar we find in the historie healings mostly in...
  10. Aidan1

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    To love Ok, i suppose either i am to stupid to comunicate what I want to say or you dont want understand what I wrote. Or we are living in two different worlds or we live in two different realitys. My expieriences in 30 years of beeing a child of God is, that through prayer people are healed...
  11. Aidan1

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    CS1, you quotet with other verses Mark 16,18. Which said that:" they shall lay hands on the sick and they will recover." I am shure no serious Christian is denying that God is healing or doing miracles today. But if we compare the time of Christ on earth or the apostolic time ( beginning of...
  12. Aidan1

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    It seems you dont understand me. Instead you just ignore what I said. But this is typical. My statement has nothing to do with Emma! Of course I believe that God is doing miracles and wonders today and he also heals people. But he heals today not every sick believer. As your statement...
  13. Aidan1

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    Where I did say, that God is working not today with miracles and wonders???? If you are missinterprete my writing, whatcto do? Or will you realy tell my that God is only working through extraordinary wonders and miracles? Faith is coming through the word. Romans 10,10-17! Miracles and...
  14. Aidan1

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    Thats happend with the first time church, of course. But for to be a witness today for others, you no need to perform miracles. ( except the Lord is doing it). To talk and act as an child of God today is an witness, for that you dont need a special gift.
  15. Aidan1

    Modern Chaos: The Charismatic and Pentecostal Movements (5:35)

    I know, but you wrote that they had Power to do miracles before Acts 2. That they got this powers after Acts 2 to proof the gospel is known.