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  1. S

    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    In Matthew 4:15-23, Jesus began his ministry with the Gospel message to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, which was a light to the Gentiles, and the Torah was how his audience knew what sin is (Romans 3:20), so repent from our disobedience to it is a central part of the Gospel of the...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    I did not speak against what Christ said, but rather I raised some major problems with how you are interpreting what he said, which you neglected to address. You are interpreting what Christ said in a way that makes him out to be a false prophet, so you are the one who is twisting Scripture to...
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    Do not vote for Trump

    I don't want either candidate to win, so it is just about picking the platform.
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    God's Sovereign LAW

    What do you see as the significant distinction between "law" and "commandments"? In Deuteronomy 5:31-33, Moses wrote down everything that God commanded without depart from it, so the Law of is the Law of God, which is why it spoken about as being the Law of God in verses like Nehemiah 8:1-8...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    Jesus was having a conversation about whether someone can become common by eating bread with unwashed hands (Matthew 15:20), which is a separate issue from eating unclean animals. Jesus was cricking the Pharisees as seeing hypocrites for setting aside the commands of God, so he should not be...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    Peter notably did not just object by saying that he had never eaten anything that was unclean, but also added that he had never eaten anything that was common and God notably only rebuked Peter for referring to what he had made clean as being common, not for referring to what He has made clean...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    Jesus spent his ministry teaching his followers to obey God's law by word and by example and being a follower of what he taught is not just for Jews, but for Gentiles too. In Ephesians 2:10, we are new creations in Christ to do good works and God's law is His instructions to equip us to do...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    Indeed, I keep them and I think that they are beneficial. It is by the Mosaic Law that we have knowledge of what sin is (Romans 3:20) and we are required to refrain from doing what God has revealed to be sin. Moreover, in Deuteronomy 4:2, it is a sin to add to or subtract from the Mosaic Law...
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    Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord

    God's way is the way to experience knowing Him and Jesus by being a doer of His character traits, such as in Genesis 18:19, God knew Abraham that he would teach his children and those of his household to walk in God's way by being doers of righteousness and justice that the Lord might bring to...
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    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    All of God's righteous laws are eternal (Psalms 119:160), so none of them have an expiration date. The only way that laws for how to testify about God's nature can have an expiration date would be if God also has an expiration date. The Mosaic Covenant is eternal (Exodus 31:14-17, Leviticus...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    If God saved the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt in order to put the under slavery to His law, then it would be for slavery that God sets us free, however, Galatians 5:1 says that it is for freedom that God sets us free, so God gave His law as a gift to teach how to live as people who have...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    Colossians 2:16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. This verse in itself does not have a plain meaning because it could be either the case that Paul was saying not to let anyone judge them for doing...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    In Hosea 4:6, the lack of knowledge that they are destroyed by and the knowledge that they have rejected is that they have forgotten the Torah.
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    The allegory of the 2 laws with Abraham’s 2 wives

    I did not deny what Scriptures say, but rather I only spoke against your absurd misunderstanding of them. I like what Paul said and am in complete agreement with him. Galatians 4:12-16 Brothers, I entreat you, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You did me no wrong. 13 You know...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    Those verses by themselves leave room for two possible scenarios: 1.) The Colossians weren't keeping God's feasts, they were being judged by Jews because they were not, and Paul was encouraging them not to let any man judge them for not keeping them. 2.) The Colossians were keeping God's...
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    The allegory of the 2 laws with Abraham’s 2 wives

    If God saved the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt in order to put them under bondage to His law, then it would be for bondage that God sets us free, however, Galatians 5:1 says that it is for freedom that God sets us free, which completely undermines how you are trying to use that passage. In...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    God could have commanded to rest once a week if that was what He had wanted His people to do, but He wanted His people to rest on the 7th day in memorial of when He rested after Creation, so He commanded that instead. There are no examples anywhere in the Bible of God permitting people to...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    In Titus 2:14, it does not say that Jesus gave himself to free us from God's law, but in order to free us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people of his own possession who are zealous for doing good works, so becoming zealous for doing good works in obedience to God's law is the...
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    JOHN 3:16

    If God freed the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to put them under slavery to His law, then it would be for slavery that God sets us free, however, Galatians 5:1 says that it is for freedom that God sets us free, and God's law is of freedom (Psalms 119:45). In Psalms 119:142, God's law is...
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    JOHN 3:16

    The position that God is a giver of untrustworthy instructions is contrary to the truth of Christianity while the position that God is a giver of trustworthy instructions is contrary to what you said in your post. God is trustworthy, therefore His instructions are also trustworthy (Psalms...