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  1. D

    Wars and rumors of war.

    7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all...
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    I'm sorry, but you apparently do not understand how vaccines or herd immunity work based on science. And evrything you say is mere assumption and wishful thinking.
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    Planets Align Tomorrow

    Yes, in 1285 it started November 29 as stated above. In September, 1284 the alignment was Saturn opp Uranus. Aprox 750 years not 2,000 years
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    The Great Reset, Build Back Better?!

    The "Great Reset" is based off planetary cycles; Jupiter-Saturn 20-year synodic cycle starting on November 2, 2020, and in which you can see tonight. This is what many esoteric cults believe, kabbalah sects and such, and I quote: "A fundamental principle to keep in mind throughout our 2020...
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    Planets Align Tomorrow

    Incorrect about 2,000 years ago. The last time of a Jupiter Saturn synod was: • November 29, 1285 Jupiter-Saturn (Pluto within 11°)
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    The 144,000 are not the elect, but the sealed - 2 different things ordained by YHWH.
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    Again you twist the words, as that is all you know how to do, your father the devil has taught you his doings and so that is what you do - twist words into something they are not, nor have been, the father of lies and his children. YHWH is my God and Jesus is the redeemer of all who will call...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    No one has challenged any claims, for there are no claims to challenge. The words written were translations of scripture from Greek and Hebrew. No one has put forth any views, nor me. I have praised the Lord and condemned demons who cannot worship His Holy name. Are you also one who cannot say...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    you twist words as a venomous snake like your father the devil. Who then will give praise to Jesus me and one other is all? For Abraham begged God not to destroy Sodom if but 10 righteous souls could be found. thereby, should this forum not be destroyed if none can praise you name oh Lord...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    Being new "here" what is this you speak of, a chat room that has authority over anything? You have no authority, nor does this website have any authority over Christ, but only of what a moderator can erase from what people see. The spirit sends one where they must go and to here I was brought...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    The post has to do with the words that are written and translated from Greek and Hebrew for who are the elect, marked and sealed. I did not speak of "tribulation" theories.
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    What the Lord gives to see, so He gives. And what is it that if the Lord my God gives unto those the ability to destroy false spirits and drive them out, what be it from you to judge me? When I glorify the name of Christ, you lob a rock, when I glorify my Father, you cast a log, when I give...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    Behold those who are redeemed - we wash ourselves in the blood of the lamb and glorify your name oh Lord!
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    I see this is no place of Christianity, but filled with unclean spirits and fallen angels speaking through many. The spirits have been tried and you are found wanting. Who will proclaim Christ as King here? Who will proclaim Jesus as Messiah? I see only false doctrine and lip service sold to...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    If that is what is true to you then I weep for your lost soul. All you need do is ask forgiveness of your sin to Jesus Christ and He will save you. Repent your sin and your hardened heart and He will redeem you. Glorify the Lords name and receive life and remission of your sin. The weight of...
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    yet you cannot say His name but I can. Hear me world and angels in heaven Glory and Praise be to Jesus, the Son of the Living God who be praised and glorified forever and ever! The Lord judge between me and you.
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    I need not know who you are or what spirit you are from. Your own words condemn you. As it is written "I know my sheep, and am known of mine."
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    Glory and praise be to Jesus Christ the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He who calls out to the name of the Lord WILL be saved!
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    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16 he who denies Me (Jesus our Lord) before men will be denied before the angels of God. Luke 12
  20. D

    The Elect, Sealed, & Marked

    You do err, there were no questions, only attack as what was posted must have condemned his thoughts which cause the person to have an outburst as children that do not understand often do. I belong to Christ Jesus, paid for in blood, YHWH is my God, and whom do you belong?