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  1. Platosgal

    Not smart enough

    I am not smart enough to understand how prayer exists How two people agree and something happens How I can think a conversation With an invisible Being And The thought Is a catalyst for change How a corner can be turned A depression lifted A miracle happen Peace wraps my mind in comfort By...
  2. Platosgal

    Need Advice on Knowledge of Bible and Commands

    If you are doing something that your Gut says is not right Stop I don't know what u mean by "confession " but I do know some behavior is bothering you - so abstain Or just stop Ask God to help over and over and you will stop effortlessly and be so happy when God shows up in your life and...
  3. Platosgal

    Repentance is the Gift Of God !

    Deep sorrow for what YOU personally have done Is what Repentance is Not lightly skimming over or repeating a rote prayer some evangelist told you to say If you are deeply and profoundly sorry for your life choices and the results you brought on yourself And you fully understand your separation...
  4. Platosgal

    Why did the Lord send us the law?

    Good question To my eyes thr LAW according to Moses is unlike any other governing concept before True fairness, letting slaves go for instance, healthy diet instructions, a city of refuge, etc It is so interesting to see that in comparison to Gentile "laws"in of the time it is more clear...
  5. Platosgal

    Need Advice on Knowledge of Bible and Commands

    Here is my answer I don't think it's about listing Good/bad Sin/Right action What this Christian life is about is The real truth We are all weak and courupt All of us, so we know when We do the wrong if we are honest but we need keep moving Get up, confess, ask forgiveness Be honest and keep...
  6. Platosgal

    A simple request

  7. Platosgal

    Five Foolish Virgins VS Five Wise Virgins

    This is from Dr J MacArthur and Ligioner Ministries Its a good explanation that works in cobtext Coram Deo We cannot trust in the spiritual readiness of others. Being ready to enter the kingdom at our Lord’s return or, should He tarry, to remain faithful when our rescue seems long in coming is...
  8. Platosgal

    How would you feel if you never got married even though you would of like to?

    To " Feel" romantic love without a commitment to God Is the exact same chemical response As getting "high" Dopamine is released in the brain It is a temporal Chemical ,albeit pleasant reaction Which can not be prolonged Hence 75% divorce rate, partner hopping, single mothers etc Christians...
  9. Platosgal

    Black Lives Matter Comes for "White Jesus"

    Wrestling ghosts And invisible problems is insane
  10. Platosgal

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Prov 29:9
  11. Platosgal

    Why do Calvinists believe things the bible doesnt say ?

    Good point I use that word too much Thank you for the correction
  12. Platosgal

    Need Advice on Knowledge of Bible and Commands

    In Christianity The act of prayer ( for our enemies, for the government etc) Is an act of instructing your consciousness who is really in charge GOD Remember the guy who wrote that scripture was in Rome We are talking about taking the fear of the Roman authority And flipping it on its head...
  13. Platosgal

    How would you feel if you never got married even though you would of like to?

    Romantic "love" is the intense emotional reaction Most times triggering a sexual physical response Sometimes triggering an ego based response Always idealistic version of reality and projection based in the imagination It disappoints 100% - with time Usually 60 days sometimes a prolonged...
  14. Platosgal

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Its pretty clear where you stand And we ALL harvest exactly what we sow I will no engage further in your little absurdity The question IS Are women Pastors biblical? The answer is NO!
  15. Platosgal

    A simple request

    Dear wind Teach me who sent you To shuffle the tree tops And move as you will Dear sun Who set you in heaven? In sweet perfect distance To warm up the chill And you Dear little sparrow Who showed you to sing? Show me Show me The simplicity of wonder The faith in the Creator Show me Show me I...
  16. Platosgal

    God's sovereignty over life and death

    If one believes in the God of the Bible We assume that they read the Bible in its entirety The God of the Bible Creates EVERYTHING Is in control of Everything Humans do evil and what man means for evil God Uses for good So God knows everything This temporary life on this disposable planet is...
  17. Platosgal

    Family quarreling

    What is your first name? Or nic name So I can pray for you this morning
  18. Platosgal

    Black Lives Matter Comes for "White Jesus"

    Racism in 2021 is not real Its a business A communist device We have to stopp discussion And demonstrate love for our neighbor as the lord commanded I do not engage with insanity Discussing "Racism " is Insane
  19. Platosgal

    How would you feel if you never got married even though you would of like to?

    I "believe" in The Bible- Jesus is the Christ, God is eternal, The Spirit is Truth I do not believe in humanity's emotional moments Because they are temporary and even delusional Romance was created by people who wanted to sell something Love is created by God to build something Romance...
  20. Platosgal

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    The Trans movement in America is fully supported by female Lutheran "clergy" The Lesbian "clergy" in Presbyterian churches fought for "gay" marriage Here are other causes championed by female clergy Rev. Debra Haffner “Faithfully Supporting Access to Abortion Services” Huffington Post...