Correct. It is all big deception and that so-called state of Israel is purely a political issue. Have nothing to do with any fulfillment of prophecies. Even many jews themselves reject the zionists claims.
There are two things to see here:
1. Only God knows who is truly His, whom He have chosen. Of these He will lose none.
2.. The Word of God does talk about apostasy and people who fall away.
Ya, that's the typical wording from people who have been deceived: point out their error and they cry "anti-semitism!". Makes only the error worse and hinders them from coming to the truth.
Ya but how many people doing the same thing are strongly pro-Israel?
The US have a big guilt in "christianizing" every damnable thing possible. Just put the word "christian" before anything and hocus-pocos, it's christian. Soon we see christian satanism.
The unsaved reject God all along since they are at enmity with Him. However, do you think an unsaved person can humble himself and receive God's grace then?
Because for the conditionalist and the arminian the blood of Christ is not, in and by itself, sufficient to save a soul. It all boils down to the almight free-will of the sinner and his would be abilities of response. Unbiblical to the limit.
The expresssion "same gospel" here is just to distinguish it from lunatic dispensational views such as that there are several different gospels in the Bible.