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  1. vic1980

    How did the giants survive a global flood?

    According to 1 Peter 3:20 they did not survive thee flood. 1 Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. Let us be wise , and agree , with what...
  2. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Be back soon to finish uploading this page 11 Shalom
  3. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    1.1.8. (A letter from) John, Bishop of the City of Rome, to the Glorious and Indulgent Son, Emperor Justinian. Amid the great fame of your wisdom and clemency, most Christian Emperor, as a specially pure light, like that of a star, shines the fact that you, in your zeal for the faith and your...
  4. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    13. They similarly condemned those who teach another symbol or holy formula, except that adopted by the 318 holy fathers, expounded and explained by the 150 holy fathers assembled in this imperial city. 14. And the first synod at Ephesus, too, attached the impious Nestorius and his dogmas and...
  5. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    6. All priests, therefore, of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and the reverend abbots of the holy monasteries, following the tradition of the Holy fathers, neither heretofore or now, as has been said, changing the status of the Church which has been maintained to this time, rightly...
  6. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    divinity, and consubstantial with us according to the flesh. And we likewise condemn Apollinarius, the destroyer of souls, and those who have embraced and do embrace his doctrine, who deny that our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, our God, had the soul of man, introducing confusion and...
  7. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Continuation upon Justinian Code P.6 1.1.6. Justinian to the People of Constantinople. 1. Honoring our Savior, Jesus Christ, Lord of All, our true God in all things, we wish also to imitate His humility, as far as the human mind is able. Since, therefore, we have found some who are attacked...
  8. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    I believe this should be address in a New Thread perhaps , for a further discussion , in order not to derail the original attempt at explaining thee importance of this ( Justinian Code ) Historic record. That points to Revelations 13:12 Revelation 13:12 And the beast which I saw was like unto...
  9. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Due that this very document points to a specific event in time , that takes place in the book of Revelations . Also by reviewing this statue that Rome adopted by Emperor Justinian , we can clearly identify who was it given thee power , seat along with it's authority of the Roman Empire ...
  10. vic1980

    The Journey Begins When You Seek the Truth In Jesus Christ

    Mount Castelluzzo, Waldense Martyr Cliff, 360 Explore the mountain where the Waldenses where thrown of a cliff and martyred for their faith in 360 Video.
  11. vic1980

    The Journey Begins When You Seek the Truth In Jesus Christ

    Martyrs' Cross, Oxford England , 360 The exact locations where Ridley and Cranmer where martyred for their faith.
  12. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    1.1.6. Justinian to the People of Constantinople. Will finish this up when there is free time Shalom Page 6
  13. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Since the true and unchangeable faith which the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God declares does not admit of any innovation, we following the precepts of the holy apostles and of those who after them became renowned in the holy churches of God believe it proper to make manifest to all...
  14. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Given at Constantinople February 16 (448). Note. Porphyrius was a Neoplatonist, i.e. New Platonist, who was at one time a teacher of philosophy at Rome and died about 270 A.D. He was a scoffer of some of the Christian doctrines. Kurtz, Church History, ß23.3; ß24.2. Nestorius was at first a...
  15. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Given at Constantinople January 10 (381). C. Th. 16.5.6. cities, so that the Catholic churches of the whole world may be returned to the various orthodox bishops who accept the Nicene Creed. Note As shown by C. Th. 16.5.6, this constitution was originally directed against the heresy of the...
  16. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    1.1.1 Emperors Gration, Valentinian, and Theodosius to the People of Constantinople. We desire that all the nations who are governed by the moderate rule of Our Clemency shall practice that religion which was carried by the divine Peter to the Roman People, as shown by the articles of faith...
  17. vic1980

    How did the Bishops of Rome received its seat and authority . For those that like to read !!!

    Here is a historic record upon how the Catholic Bishop received his power from the Emperor Justinian , this is only part of thee edict that was translated for English readers. Enjoy the read .... Book I. Title I. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Book I of the revised edition of the...
  18. vic1980

    Why the Adversary HATES the Pre-Tribulation Resurrection-Rapture

    2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him , 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Mark...