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  1. fredoheaven

    No major doctrines changed?

    Now, here’s the Bede’s quote: Here may help if you like regarding Bede's assertion of Paganized festival won't work that way to the English word Easter. The link is provided below: Original Latin: Eostur-monath, qui nunc...
  2. fredoheaven

    No major doctrines changed?

    Here is my observation about the topic in which I have raised my question. The Greek “Pascha” is the same as Passover/ Easter and vice versa and may refer to both Christian Holiday and Jewish Passover (see link below). Per The Shorter Oxford Dictionary pp. 624, 1524. Easter- a festival of the...
  3. fredoheaven

    No major doctrines changed?

    Ok, I'll try to check this out. Thanks
  4. fredoheaven

    Omitted verses.

    Yep, that "A" stands for the Aleph, and for the rest seems your changing from "Christ as Lord" to Christ as the Lord" and yet a staunch JW may still insist on not having an identical value. Using KJB, you can just easily compare scriptures in Jeremiah 32:18, Psalms 50:1. Here we have the...
  5. fredoheaven

    No major doctrines changed?

    And why it has been inaccurate for the word "Easter"? and why it must be rendered as "Passover"? Thanks
  6. fredoheaven

    No major doctrines changed?

    Both sound correct based on the context. Briefly, Ahaziah was 22 years old when he began to reign during the 42nd year of the dynasty of Omri. The Hebrew idiom in 2 Chronicler does not demand the age as in 1 Samuel 13:1 displays such Hebrew idiom which means “son of one year in his reigning”. 2...
  7. fredoheaven

    Omitted verses.

    Hi, again Williamjordan, You may not opt to answer this and expect it you would not because it's a time waster. Just review some of your comments and I would only look at some that are necessary. For 1 Corinthians 10:9, this is what I believe. I believe that 1 Cor. 10:9 favors the KJB reading...
  8. fredoheaven

    Omitted verses.

    Umm, 1 Peter 2:3-4 are not the immediate context. The context is referred to by Peter when he alludes to the old, like the women, he used "God" as in 1 Peter 3:5, and in the examples of Noah 1 Peter 3;20 he also used "God" instead of "Christ" hence figuring out the Old Testament idea of "God"...
  9. fredoheaven

    Omitted verses.

    Yep thanks, but I still have to believe what the scripture says as the Final Authority. Peter may line his thought to the original sense of "Lord God" against "Lord Christ" as the context of Isaiah 8 is all about.
  10. fredoheaven

    Omitted verses.

    The geographically superior reading criterion is vague because geography has been used in various ways by various critics. This argues that the reading supported by the most diverse sets of "local texts" is best. I.e. this criterion is that reading is best which is supported by the most...
  11. fredoheaven

    Salvation is for the Whole World

    Yes, of course, we need to see it by the context to understand what the Bible says. Christ speaks of the doctrine like that of Jude “which was once delivered unto the saints” for he speaks about the matter of the teachings or beliefs of Balaam or the Nicolitans. He was not speaking of his...
  12. fredoheaven

    KJV Translators to the Readers

    "the original KJV included the Apocrypha", yes they were there but are not considered canonical which is why they were placed in between the Old and the New. Later they were put aside. Not only the KJB but also other previous English Bibles like for example the Geneva and others. Attached is the...
  13. fredoheaven

    Salvation is for the Whole World

    This is good only for opinion. Citing Revelation 2;13 as a proof text of "Christ's faith" is not according to the context as Christ referred to it as "doctrine for Christ says of the "doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of Nicolaitans. Christ is speaking of the "faith once delivered" to the...
  14. fredoheaven

    Salvation is for the Whole World

    Yep very true.
  15. fredoheaven

    Omitted verses.

    The more recent Nestle Aland 28 listed additional proof for Theos although in their commentary is an assumption telling us they substituted “God” from the older text “Christ” which I may disagree with and good only for an educational guess.
  16. fredoheaven

    Salvation is for the Whole World

    So are we now okay with what is the gift of God and that is salvation? Salvation is by grace through faith and that is the correct wording and not "through and by God and not of ourselves." as you are describing what is faith. Of course, we are trying to discuss what is the gift of God which is...
  17. fredoheaven

    Salvation is for the Whole World

    well, that could be a great opinion but the word of God is still the word of God. Don't change it. The best commentary for Ephesian 2:8 is the writing of Paul itself when it comes to this "gift of God.". Romans 6:23 says "the Gift of God is _______________."
  18. fredoheaven

    Salvation is for the Whole World

    The Bible in the above passage says it's a fruit, not a gift.
  19. fredoheaven

    KJV Translators to the Readers

    Thank you for the link. As for the Greek Ekklesia, the KJB is not alone in its translation of the word "church". You can used the bible hub to this point. It's not really an altogether error. See it for self. Thanks