Search results

  1. Hazelelponi

    Court me, Court me Not..

    While people were preaching politics in America, the rest lost their faith in the God of all creation, and developed a world view consistent with a life in the flesh. Christians need to go back to preaching the Word. P.S. I never suggested staying away from politics - but it is never the...
  2. Hazelelponi

    Court me, Court me Not..

    I think this is why women often make the first move when they are serious. Because men don't understand much outside of engraved invitations. The woman at your gym threw out signals, she probably did so without conscious thought, but she definitely did. So your asking wasn't out of line.
  3. Hazelelponi

    Court me, Court me Not..

    I'm married but I was the initiator of everything. If I left it up to him no move would have ever been made.... Lol, all so he can claim he "caught me" hahaha Nothing wrong with women initiating something serious
  4. Hazelelponi

    To politic or not to politic...

    We shouldn't make politics some kind of priority. However, since we are citizens in a nation where every citizen has a vote, making wise voting choices is a responsibility even as a stranger here, if not helping to lead as Christians, as to show Christ to a dying world. However, our first...
  5. Hazelelponi

    Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists.

    Good or bad our government isn't spiritual warfare. People were given over to sin and their voting habits show it, which boils over into how the country is ran. The fewer Christians and the more sin, the worse the country will be. The ONLY fix is within the people themselves - and their...
  6. Hazelelponi

    Chat Rooms Down Yet Again...

    For work boots someone would be lucky for a pair under 50 dollars, 5 bucks won't even buy a McDonald's meal these days. My husband regularly spends between 70-80 for boots, and that's a sale price.
  7. Hazelelponi

    Should Married Couples Who Are Able Be the Only Ones to Have Rights to a Biological Child?

    I don't think donation is wrong, but as a Christian I would think we would desire to have children in a two-parent situation. A mother and father are essential to well rounded children. I think adoption is positive. If the biological parents can't care for their child, then adoption is good...
  8. Hazelelponi

    Who likes op shopping?

    You know on online discussion forums "OP" stands for "Opening Post"? You threw me applying OP to something else, I take it you're talking second hand shopping? I love second hand shopping myself. You can always find treasures.
  9. Hazelelponi

    Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists.

    Clearly Jesus found a great deal of evil in the wolves of his flock. Proper context - they aren't hiding who they are anymore. It's clear to the most casual observer. Therefore, it's unnecessary to point out but to those who have been hiding under rocks, unless you're just wanting to provoke a...
  10. Hazelelponi

    Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists.

    I don't disagree with the general descriptor of a democrat, however we must keep in mind that as Christians we must act like Christians and be representative of God in the public sphere. And Scripture tells us to approach others with Christian grace and mercy. This means speaking to them in a...
  11. Hazelelponi

    How about a debate forum?

    Amen to that!
  12. Hazelelponi

    Forum decorum

    That there's none present here? Decorum is being polite at all times, treating others with Christian grace as fellow believers, and speaking to the post and not the poster.
  13. Hazelelponi

    How about a debate forum?

    Well you're probably correct... But it's a real nice suggestion - I clearly don't understand why the site administration doesn't want to give it a shot. I've done debate on another site that has a specific debate forum and truly enjoyed it. It wasn't Christian faith related, but knowing how it...
  14. Hazelelponi

    How about a debate forum?

    Why not do it in the main forum? Each debate needs 3 threads. One thread is where you 1.) Find a single opponent then 2) set the rules for the debate. Once that is set two more threads need to be opened - 1.) For the debate itself and 2.) For public comments about the debate itself as well as...
  15. Hazelelponi

    How about a debate forum?

    I think that's exactly why a debate forum would be beneficial. Get it started with a couple people who are knowledgeable so people see what it looks like, then see who else would like to set a debate. That leaves a lot of food easily seen without the need to sift
  16. Hazelelponi

    How about a debate forum?

    P.S. my vote is for a debate forum!
  17. Hazelelponi

    How about a debate forum?

    Actual debate has very specific rules - and post count is limited. It usually calls for an opening post from each opponent (2 people total), and allows for usually around 3 - 5 rebuttals and a closing argument. After both people close, it is taken to a vote as to who "won" the debate, the...
  18. Hazelelponi

    Kim Kardashian bests Hillary Clinton in legal knowledge??

    Looks like Clinton's knowledge runs more to the illegal... Lol
  19. Hazelelponi

    Trump 24

    I'm sorry, but if you can't speak to others with a modicum of respect, no one will take you seriously as a human being - let alone as a Christian.
  20. Hazelelponi

    i'm not christian but i do have some questions

    1)) How did you convert to the Christian faith? When I was Muslim I met a Christian man who I felt comfortable asking faith related questions. He answered every question and I was sold on the Christian God being God, but didn't convert at that time because I didn't yet understand salvation...