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  1. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    I obey the law when I am in the Spirit; that is, when Christ is living in and through me. I keep every law perfectly as Christ lives through me. I even keep them from the correct motivation as I have the mind of Christ. Would that I could tell you my communion with Christ is unceasing, but it...
  2. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    I'm not hate filled as you suppose. Neither am I ignorant or a troll. I am teasing you a bit because your knickers are in a knot, and because your words ring more true of you than me. You actually believe you follow laws because you know their outward form, but neglect their understanding...
  3. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    You make an accusation falsely. I do believe the whole moral law should be kept. I just don't fool myself into believing I can do so by means of my own endeavor. The only way to sin no more is to walk in the Spirit. And yes, God was fully aware Adam would fail and was already prepared.
  4. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    In Christ is a position, not a disposition. Those in Christ still commit sin or there would be no reason to confess our sin. Walking in the Spirit is what lends itself to our obedience. But when a Christian isn't walking in the Spirit, they remain in Christ. They simply forfeit the benefits...
  5. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    You miss the point. Believing Christ for our salvation is the rest. 2nd time with this question: did anyone keep the OT Sabbath apart from faith?
  6. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    Not focusing on Christ in general, but focusing on the salvation apart from works that He provides. This was true of the very first Sabbath. Had Adam never sinned, He still only have received eternal life through Christ. There has always only been one mediator between God and man: Christ.
  7. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    Do you believe anyone has ever entered into Sabbath rest other than by faith?
  8. Cameron143

    What Is the Best Bread Product for a Breakfast Sandwich -- and Why?

    We can't kick you out. You broke the kicking emoji too.
  9. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    To correctly keep the Sabbath, Christ must be in view.
  10. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    Really? Why is Jesus referred to as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world?
  11. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    My favorite verse: Jesus swept.
  12. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    Do you believe God was surprised by the fall? Jesus was the Lamb slain before the earth was created, no?
  13. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    You literally draw the correlation, then deny it. There are not 2 rests. There is a physical rest that prefigures the spiritual rest.
  14. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    It's very clear. The whole passage is equating the rest in Christ for salvation was the intent behind the Sabbath in creation.
  15. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    Hebrews 4:10 describes Jesus' rest as a cessation of works for salvation. The entire passage establishes the Sabbath was given to this end.
  16. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    This has been your fallback position while ignoring the truths I shared. I can see that regardless of what I share you will not hear it. Thanks for the discussion. Grace and peace.
  17. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    See post #3824.
  18. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    The Sabbath has never changed in that what God's intention in it has never changed. It was never God's intention that one would find physical rest in the observance of a particular day. God's intention was that people would find rest in Him.
  19. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    I only said they would understand the reference and the implication. Their very consideration reveal their thoughts. That doesn't mean they weren't in need of greater enlightenment. Seems they both had been led to the right place. Typically, when someone tells me that they will follow God and...
  20. Cameron143

    the Sabbath

    You still don't get it. I'm not arguing against someone keeping a 7th day Sabbath. But neither will I neglect God's intention in establishing the Sabbath, not will I neglect the full counsel of God by ignoring NT teaching concerning the Sabbath.