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  1. PAC-fit

    Humanoids and the Child of God

    You find a "seamless" fashioning of the 'image of God' objectional to this extent? But that is their objective to carry through to eventuality.
  2. PAC-fit

    Humanoids and the Child of God

    It is a popular sentiment; ‘Handle AI and AI Robotics with care, it is just a tool for good or evil’. I imagine most of us understand to the best of our ability if any attempt to exceed our awareness with some pro-AI cunningness at work. There are, I am quite sure, several levels of oversight...
  3. PAC-fit

    Applying God's Word to Politics

    That just can't be. Sorry, I'm still new here and might be better off quietly monitoring things in prayer. But, if the interpretation is allowed to shift, so uncustomary and unlike the ability He expects us to move (1Cor 6:2) on issues with decipherin the ''evil'' of Romans 13:3. In terms of the...
  4. PAC-fit

    Applying God's Word to Politics

    Really? Kay, boiled down, would full participation of Romans 13 throw the U.S. into un-containable turmoil?
  5. PAC-fit

    Applying God's Word to Politics

    Her's as well as every other official refusing the President's offer of protection. So again, how well would trading that scenario in for your 'in-full-swing' hot-button compare? Curious as so few wish to even venture though it remains God's will for Christians.
  6. PAC-fit

    Applying God's Word to Politics

    If potentials fell in line with God's said will, would this be enough to magnify the Trump 1st-term riots?
  7. PAC-fit

    Praise God EG! Hoping the Father of lights supplies you wonderfully today, in Jesus name.

    Praise God EG! Hoping the Father of lights supplies you wonderfully today, in Jesus name.
  8. PAC-fit

    Sex, Mastering One’s Outlook

    'Ya never stop learning', isn't that how they put it? I knew this would be met with opposition, but not to the point of shunned critique. Still, learning taught me sometime back, prudence also rest. God bless.
  9. PAC-fit

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    Clear our conscience Holy Spirit of regeneration, guard or hearts, Spirit of unity and enlighten our path of intentions sacred and living Word of God. Amen.
  10. PAC-fit

    Sex, Mastering One’s Outlook

    Thank God! As to the point of voicing this, may secretly display a whole spectrum of disapproval to full agreement of the onlooker. As that pendulum moves towards those opposed (commensurate to the tally of views), will surely increase in this world of torment our despisers are not aware. May I...
  11. PAC-fit

    The Thorns are Rising and Increasing

    Worries? No doubt, we both recognize and pray for the world's authorities, for that world they rule, that they would be guided by God's own zeal for good. These are concerns we hold, yes and "tribulation" we endure. But, my God is still the fortress He always was. Enough to give us those two...
  12. PAC-fit


    Where to begin? If 'dave44' is still keeping tabs on all this fine advice, although seemingly has taken leave, I would like to offer my impression of his dilemma. Having nothing more than the OP, these two examples seems to indicate something lacking for anything requiring comprehension of sound...
  13. PAC-fit

    , , I will be looking into that PDF as convenience permits.

    , , I will be looking into that PDF as convenience permits.
  14. PAC-fit

    Hello dear GA! It has been a while for me, thank you and nice to meet a fellow Midwestern child...

    Hello dear GA! It has been a while for me, thank you and nice to meet a fellow Midwestern child of the King! My my, an extensive and tireless amount of work of vigilance I see praise God! May I ask, are you the "Things that Differ" author?
  15. PAC-fit

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Ha, your last emoji captivates all, neutralizing the rest. ;)
  16. PAC-fit

    Sex, Mastering One’s Outlook

    I should say at the onset here, I am not single, but only speak on this issue as it pertains to one’s singularity with the Lord. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. (Ephesians 5:12) Thank God so little sexual content is mentioned on this website! Yet, is there a...
  17. PAC-fit

    My first post on christian chat.

    Hello 'Brasspen', Welcome to the forum, Christian Chat. In agreement with you to "really want that gift" (1 Cor 12:31). It is the chief gift to prefer IF your going to set your mind on one. The curious thing is in that quest is to see Jesus enlarged in every aspect of our "knowledge" (1 Cor...
  18. PAC-fit

    New here ☺️

    Welcome! We thank God you could join us.
  19. PAC-fit

    new to this site

    Hello 'lizs17', welcome to the site. Hope you are pleasantly surprised how beneficial CC is!
  20. PAC-fit

    Baptism of Chaff

    "all understanding" *