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  1. Blain

    Women Pastors

    Yes after the viel was torn your absolutely right but until the death of Jesus he spoke interms that were in lign with their culture it is much easier to teach with what is familiar all the wedding reference the parables he spoke all these things aligned with the cuture of that age but once he...
  2. Blain

    Women Pastors

    Yet the birth of Jesus was given to mary thee greatest honor and she didn;t see herself as anything special but she was willing when John was being convieved it was man who denied what the angel fortold when Jesus was born it was a wmone who was willing and said let it be as you have said And...
  3. Blain

    "You will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people . . ."

    Who is righteos? who is good? don't forget they are the apple of his eye and even spoke a curse on those who are against them they are lost now yes but we Christians are bo better ;ook at the word how it mocks us how it called us fakee andhow even many in the body complain about the state of the...
  4. Blain

    Women Pastors

    No it doesn't where in what you gave does it say anything about the position of which women are placed in his kingdom? every verse was about the husband and it was about what a husband ought to be not where he stands above women It was a failed attempt on your part you cannot just pick certain...
  5. Blain

    Women Pastors

    Everything you underlined has nothing to do with with women being pastors it speals of how a husband needs one wife what a husband should be but nothing about how women cannot be pastors or guide others God is not sexist he is no respecter of person he uses the willing not the strong not the...
  6. Blain

    Bible tells us to pray for the salvation of others, why?

    I apologize for being so late and I hope this reaches you I just wanted to give a few testimonies and how one word can make all the difference. yes there is the whole predestination issue but if you take into consideration the human state how things never seem to work out as we planned all the...
  7. Blain

    2 Years Are Left, and the Two Witnesses Are About to Emerge to the World Anytime Now

    As far as what God has already annointed nisson or whatever how many times has man been able to understand and point to his appointed times? All throughout scripyuture and history how many times has God spoken but we as mankind took it our own way how many times has history repeated itself how...
  8. Blain

    The Gospel According to John--"I Am The Bread of Life" (John 6:35)

    Yes at that time I was undergoing attacks as a new believer that I didn't know how to handle so maybe your right and this isn't the only bread has been a part of my spiritual walk so I have wondered for a good while now what does bread truly mean in regards to God realm if it was a one time...
  9. Blain

    The Gospel According to John--"I Am The Bread of Life" (John 6:35)

    Well yes there was a part of the dream where suddenly I was put in this cage with other people and at a random time the cage would fall into the lake fire and as it fell I said to myself I trust him and was suddenly taken to a different realm that wasn't hell but this doesn't explain the bread part
  10. Blain

    The Gospel According to John--"I Am The Bread of Life" (John 6:35)

    more than encouragment take it all and bring his kingomd here very few have the rare tresure you have take it and spread it show who he truly is what his kingdom his heart really is you have power in you and like my favorite quote from spider man with power comes responsibility Those who have...
  11. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    Ok it is one thing to not be able to to prove what you say but to you think you can use scriptures and that makes what you say true? what is the word of god to you? if you caannot even explain why you speak what you believe and you just cop out by using scriptures that seemingly fit your...
  12. Blain

    The Gospel According to John--"I Am The Bread of Life" (John 6:35)

    I admire your heartfelt devotion to his word how it speaks toyour heart keep going this way it will lead you into a realm with him that seems impossible even to other Christians I can feel your heart in your words you have a genuine love for him his word speaks to your heart I can tell you don't...
  13. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    Yes what do the scriptures say? what is this really? If you have seen and tatsed the the real and your so cinfindent in how you understand it then should you not express to the thousands of people who will read your post how recieve the real thing? can you explain and express the real thing in...
  14. Blain

    The Gospel According to John--"I Am The Bread of Life" (John 6:35)

    I don't know if you would be able to help me with is but I have always understood you have great insight into scriptures there was adream I had early in mt faith where I encountered death and for some reason I was actually not afraid of him then a door appeared and i just knew I had to go...
  15. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    Can I ask you what regenerating baptism is to you? and have you truly recieved it? if so how did it change you what is the right way to recieve the ttue thing? like if i told you and expressed what these waters fell like would understand or just just rebuke it? The waters I have known are so...
  16. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    Well the thing is not everyone is blessed in life with with real bonds I understand what you went through all my life people act like they are close they are more than willing to act nice and kind but when people just seem to put on a facade I mean all my life people have taken advantage of me...
  17. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    Yeah I nay have posted the wrong verse but at least you understood what I was going for
  18. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    Ecclesiasticus 6:5-6,14-17 Faithful friends are invaluable and life-saving, and those who fear the Lord will find them.
  19. Blain

    Spiritual Baptism

    I will try I imagine it must be hard on the eyes, I will always admit my keyboard is pretty old so some buttons don't work well like the period button so I have to try to press it several times before it works but yes I will see if there is something I can do about it