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  1. DeanM

    CRT What is It, Is is Dangerous?

    BLM is a terrorist organization sponsored by the liberal party.
  2. DeanM

    CRT What is It, Is is Dangerous?

    You wont score many points using what BLM supports.
  3. DeanM

    cracked heels

    Corn Huskers lotion.
  4. DeanM

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Problem is the makers of this poison are immune from prosecution no matter how many they kill.
  5. DeanM

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Anytime the government says something I always wonder what they are not telling.
  6. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Canada is right behind them. They might try it here but I doubt they will come head on. With all the gun owners they will have to come after bank accounts, investments etc.
  7. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Well we will have a longer life to repent without it.
  8. DeanM

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Kamel Hairy was in Detroit yesterday saying not one covid death from people who got vaxxed. She didnt mention how many the vax killed.
  9. DeanM

    Eat Purple for Good Health

    I grew some purple bell peppers once.
  10. DeanM

    remember yahoo chat?

    Yep AOL chat rooms used to be very busy. Didnt do much on Yahoo though.
  11. DeanM

    Who first referred to disciples of Christ (the church) as "Christians?"

    I dunno if it was due to an easier term or not. Seems to me if that were the objective Wayist would be even easier to say with only two sylables. Just a thought.
  12. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Ive wondered. If this flu is covid-19, does that mean there has been 18 other covid pandemics and people went about their lives like they have every flu season? Of course they werent used as weapons by the governments of the world and the MSM wasnt ringing the panic buzzer 24/7.
  13. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    How about the church burnings? Do you like that too?
  14. DeanM

    How do you feel about Fox News these days?

    I dont watch any news.
  15. DeanM

    federal mask mandate (until Sept 13) is Un-Constitutional says Ted Cruz and other GOP

    My governor has never mandated masks. Some stores caved to the liberal pressure so I shopped elsewhere. And I dont forget. They lost me as a customer for life.
  16. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Liberals always attack and belittle anyone who doesnt agree with their politics. Straight from the communist playbook.
  17. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Normally it takes 10 years or more for the CDC to sign off on a drug. Thought I would mention that in my right wing paranoia.
  18. DeanM

    Bit Coin weirds me out !

    Real estate is good but the market has been good to me and im a guppy in the lake.
  19. DeanM

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    And, the statistics have born out the vaccine is effective. Figures lie and liars figure. People in the U.S. better take a hard look at Canada. The iron hand of the communist party you see there is rapidly heading south.