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  1. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  2. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  3. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  4. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  5. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  6. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  7. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  8. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  9. ArtsieSteph

    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    Sadly at the moment, church is canceled :/
  10. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  11. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  12. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  13. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

    Oh my goodness this gif. You can see the "YAY!! YA- OH WAIT NO"
  14. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  15. ArtsieSteph

    Funny Gifs Thread

  16. ArtsieSteph

    How far away are you willing to date?

    Ironically this made me think of another thread about being "fiscally responsible" in a relationship and if that's something that should be really considered ect ect ect.
  17. ArtsieSteph

    Do you have to be smart with money to marry

    So my mom grew up in the old school of “find a man who will take care of you.” Now to be fair she wasn’t in the attitude of a man has to make all the money, has to do all the manual labor, has to run all the financials by himself, ect ect. But she always and still really stresses the need of...
  18. ArtsieSteph

    How far away are you willing to date?

    Sorry I by no means am a suga momma 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can barely afford myself.
  19. ArtsieSteph

    Bad design plus solutions

    Hehehe I got one that's kinda memey