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  1. Sharp

    Talking too much

    How would you encourage a person to talk less if they talk too much? You might like this person but they never stop talking and they write way too much too.
  2. Sharp

    I've just hit a new low

    Hi everyone, I'm in a bad way at the moment faith wise. I'm finding it very difficult to believe the things that I've believed my whole life. My life is becoming more worldly, and I am really struggling with having a lot of anger and hatred which I can't get rid of. I consider myself to be an...
  3. Sharp

    Why doesn't God speak to His people anymore?

    I look through the pages of the bible and can't help thinking that its unfair that some people in the bible had such clear revelations of God. Jacob, Moses, Paul, Adam, Mary. These people were spoken to directly, by God. Or by angels. Or were given visions. God has never spoken to me, at least...
  4. Sharp

    I'm sad

    I've never posted a prayer request here that hasn't been answered. I don't know what's happening to me over the past few days. My faith has weakened and my life seems without purpose. I was sitting in church today and I didn't know why I was there so I just left. I'm doubting alot of the...
  5. Sharp

    "Problems with Acts". What do you guys think?

    Acts 5:33-39 gives an account of speech by the first century Pharisee Gamaliel, in which he refers to two movements other than the Way. One lead by Theudas (v 36) and after him led by Judas the Galilean. Josephus placed Judas about 6 AD. He places Theudas under the procurator Fadus 44-46 AD. Two...
  6. Sharp

    What was the New Testament written on?

    Was it papyrus? And what did they use to write on the papyrus? Or was it written on parchment? I've googled this but I keep getting the same sites which tell me nothing.
  7. Sharp

    I really want a hamburger

    I noticed a few other threads in here about people wanting things. This is what I want What do you want?
  8. Sharp

    Did Peter really write 2 Peter?

    I'm hoping to get some input from those who have studied theology about the genuineness of the second epistle of Peter. Everything I read about the authorship of this epistle claims something like "Virtually all biblical scholars agree that 2 Peter is pseudographical..." or "of all the NT...
  9. Sharp

    I feel like some kind of sexual predator

    Yes, weird topic. This is something that has been bothering me for a while, and I'm wondering whether other dudes out there experience this. I pay alot of attention to body language, and I notice things. I feel like my presence makes girls uncomfortable. The following are things that I notice...
  10. Sharp

    Will a mass conversion among Jews signal the end of the world?

    Good evening. :) I'm searching for the meaning of Romans 11:15, and there is more than one view. For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead? Some say that this means that when the Jewish nation finally accepts Christ...
  11. Sharp


    This may sound silly but I have a huge problem with blushing in social situations and around people. It seems to be getting worse, and its horrible. My face is always going red for the most ridiculous reasons. Can you please pray that God would fix this problem. Thankyou!
  12. Sharp

    Split the miscellaneous forum

    Hi there - just a suggestion - not something I feel passionate about, just something I think could improve the forums a bit. In the miscellaneous forum, at any given time, there will be between 15-20 threads on the first page with about 4000 replies. These threads are pretty much conversational...
  13. Sharp

    Church decision

    Hi everyone. I'm feeling pretty discouragd about the church I've been attending for the last 6 months. I can't seem to make friends or feel included or feel like I'm part of the group. I'm trying to decide whether to look for a new church. My current church has excellent doctrine and worship...
  14. Sharp

    Church advice needed

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice as to whether or not I should look for a new church. My problem is this: The church I attend has excellent doctrine and worship, but I just can't make friends. I'm a pretty terrible conversationalist at the best of times, but in this case, I don't have...
  15. Sharp

    Would you be willing to substitute your salvation for someone elses?

    There may be no good answer to this hypothetical question. If God said to you: "Would you be willing to spend eternity in hell so that this person here can spend eternity in heaven with me?", what would you say? What if the person was your unsaved spouse? What if, instead of you going to...
  16. Sharp

    Is a capital H for Him really necessary when talking about God?

    Or is it just a crazy Christian superstition? Its fair enough to insist on a capital G for God or a capital J for Jesus, as these are names. But a capital H for Him in the middle of a it really necessary, and does it say anywhere in the bible that we should do this? My bible...
  17. Sharp

    How was Jesus "raised for our justification"?

    Romans 4:25. "who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification" (ESV) "who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification" (NKJV) Commentaries haven't given me great answers. Any ideas?
  18. Sharp

    A guy I know

    A friend from work is going through a really tough time at the moment. I've been praying for this guy to be saved - he is so lost and worldly. He has knowledge of Christianity, having been brought up as a catholic detesting ritualism. He does not believe in God. He and I have had many spiritual...
  19. Sharp

    Wisdom, knowledge and understanding

    Hi everyone. Could you please pray for me to gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding in relation to the scriptures. I know I can't understand anything without the power of the Holy Spirit. I have been studying some very difficult passages and am frying my brain. Please pray that God would...
  20. Sharp

    Animal charities

    I like to support a charity which protects animals and advocates for their welfare. A christian I know recently told me that we shouldn't support animal charities and should instead only give money to charities which help people. This person argued against the existence of animal-based...