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  1. G

    The Holy Spirit and Fire

    Thanks for the clarification of "while yes he does speak in a still small voice at times we also cannot forget or water down the holy spirit either", and I am glad we agree that although wind and fire are biblical, emotion/excitement can be elevated by some folks in a way that waters down the...
  2. G

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    RQ as Christmas approaches: What are the lyrics to your favorite Christmas song? My most recent favorite song is "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day": I heard the bells on Christmas day Their old familiar carols play And mild and sweet their songs repeat Of peace on Earth, good will to men...
  3. G

    The Teachings of Jesus (TOJ)

    TOJ #128: Believers will be resurrected. [MT 22:31-32//MK 12:27] Jesus was the first-fruits (1CR 15:20-23), who provides hope that this brief and often tragic existence on earth is not a farce {JN 6:39-40, 14:1-4}. (See TOJ #94.) TOJ #129: The law of love summarizes God’s moral will. [MT...
  4. G

    Key OT Teachings

    Remember that y'all are invited to add any key OT teachings you think were skipped. Here is the next one I find: GN 22:8, "God Himself will provide the Lamb..." These words of Abraham to Isaac may be viewed as the first prophetic reference to Jesus (JN 1:29), although they had an immediate...
  5. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Neither did I! But had Adam never sinned he would be sufficiently perfect for the writer of HB 4:15 & 5:8-9!
  6. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Never sinning sounds sufficiently perfect to me--and the writer of HB 4:15 & 5:8-9!
  7. G

    Understanding God’s election

    I am old enough to forget what I used to know. :^)
  8. G

    Understanding God’s election

    If Adam were perfect, he would BE Christ! BTW, the original sin was choosing to believe Satan/not believe God (faith before works).
  9. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Paul went to the Jews first, and of course the Jews were chosen first in time, but Paul wrote "in Christ... there is neither Jew nor Gentile", indicating that both/all are made one or equal and loved equally by God, who does not show favoritism.
  10. G

    Understanding God’s election

    Maybe we should say the Jews are first among equals?
  11. G

    A KISSed History of Beliefs

    (1936-1948) [In 1936, Hitler’s troops occupied the Rhineland, Mussolini annexed Abyssinia, and Chiang Kai-shek declared war on Japan. In 1937, Japan invaded China, the U.S. enacted neutrality, and Britain tried to appease Hitler. In 1938, Japan installed a puppet government in China, and...
  12. G

    Understanding God’s election

    The fallen angels fell from heaven = salvation, did they not? HB 11:4 refers to GN 4:4-5, not to GN 4:6-7&15. Likewise 1JN 3:11-12 & JUDE 11. Did YOU take the way of Cain bound for destruction before repenting? How likely were YOU to make it to the pearly gates before becoming a Christian...
  13. G

    Name change: from "Jacob" to "Israel" but why? (Gen 32:3-36:43)

    I meant LK 18:1-5, "Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 'In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, Grant me justice...
  14. G

    Understanding God’s election

    "As I recently explained, Christians have currently received the Spirit of adoption, but their adoptions are not yet complete, nor will they be, until Christ's second coming when the awaited and hoped for adoption, or the redemption of their bodies, is complete." There you guys have agreement...
  15. G

    James 2:14-26, A verse by verse study

    Correct, because those who believe in Jesus as LORD will typically obey His command to love everyone = manifest the fruit of the HS. No one achieves moral perfection in this life, but no one who lacks divine love will reap eternal life with God (GL 6:7-8). Thus, a person who claims to be godly...
  16. G

    Understanding God’s election

    I am not sure, because GN 4:6-7 & 15-16 keeps the door open for him. You want to close the door so you can postulate the condemnation of everyone but yourself and maybe me by a hateful God, who might as well be Satan himself as far as souls given no opportunity to be saved are concerned.
  17. G

    Understanding God’s election

    I hope you folks have figured out that you are talking about two different uses or applications of the word adoption by Paul.
  18. G

    A look at Obediah 1:1-21 and Matt 13:1-58

    MT 13 contains TOJ #81-86: TOJ #81: Be teachable/humble. [MT 13:3-23//MK 4:3-9&13-20//LK 8:5-8&11-15] In Matthew 11:29 the word “yoke” represents humility, while teachability is literally denoted by Jesus’ command to learn (cf. PR 11:2). The Parable of the Sower is a fictional story that...
  19. G

    2 Timothy 3-5 - Thoughts?

    I'll take 2TM 3:14-17! :^) Paul taught the importance of continuing to learn God's Word (LGW) in 2TM 3:14-17, saying "Continue in what you have learned and have been convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have know the Holy Scriptures, which are...
  20. G

    Understanding God’s election

    All have sinned (RM 3:23) and not sought God (RM 3:11)--until they learn from their mistakes as the prodigal son did to repent (LK 15:11-20) and seek God's forgiveness (MT 7:7). Not sure whether Cain learned to repent.