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  1. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    So you don't have Russia and its massive military involved in any of the end times events in the bible ? In who's jaws will God place a hook into and drag them down in an attack on Israel in Ezekiel 38:4 ?
  2. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    Russia and allies will attack the beast-king headquarted in Israel. 7 years after Gog/Magog there will be a new group of military age men to replace them destroyed in the Gog/Magog event. 5/6 of the invasion force will be destroyed. 1/6 of invasion force will retreat back to Russia. Of...
  3. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    In Ezekiel 39, Gog/Magog, then the 7 years in verses 9-10, then Armageddon verses 17-20, then Jesus's Second Coming verses 21-29. Russia, the king of the north nation, is the prime military power in the Gog/Magog attack.
  4. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    Yes, it is a combination. The second beast will have power to do miracles in the sight of the first beast. The second beast does not do miracles apart from the presence of the first beast. Revelation 1314 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he...
  5. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    What was my answer ?
  6. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    I already replied to that question in my previous post #268.
  7. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    The host is given to the little horn person, not to Israel.
  8. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    The text does not say that Israel will make a military alliance with Russia. Where are you coming up with that crazy idea ?
  9. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    It is a combination. The second beast does the miracles. He does them when the first beast is there with him. Both will be empowered by Satan. In verse 9 "whose coming" is saying when the man of sin is revealed, what follows is Satan being totally engaged in empowering him and that there...
  10. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    I don't believe that Israel will invite Russia to occupy Israel. Where are you coming up with that crazy idea ? The king of north is the leader of Russia. Russia is not going to protect Israel.
  11. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    The revealed man of sin becomes the first beast. The first beast is empowered by Satan, as is the second beast The second beast preforms the miracles while in the presence (in the sight of) the first beast. Revelation 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those...
  12. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    Daniel 11:44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. If the "him" is the king of the north - then why would news out of the north trouble the king of the north ?
  13. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    I wrote that it is the second beast, the false prophet, who does the miracles. No, the king of the north is the leader of Russia. The revealed man of sin, after being killed and brought back to life as the beast, will be empowered by Satan, who Satan will also behind the miracles the second...
  14. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    No, I wrote that the second beast is the one that performs the miracles in the presence of the first beast.
  15. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    The (second) beast in Revelation 13 is the false prophet. He is not a king, nor has his own army. The person in Revelation 13:11-14 who does the miracles is the false prophet. And will be cast into the lake of fire at the same as the beast-king in Revelation 19:20. Revelation 13: 11 And I...
  16. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    Of course Russia has a fleet of ships. I never denied that. The king of the north with the ships of Daniel 11:40 though is not the beast-king of Daniel 11:36 and Revelation 13:4-6.
  17. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    The beast-king is the king in Daniel 11:36 Daniel 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that...
  18. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    The beast-king is the king of the west, not the king of the north. The beast-king is not the king of the north. And the king of the North is not the president of the United States. Daniel 11:45 planting his tabernacle in Jerusalem on the holy mount, i.e the temple mount, is a way of...
  19. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    Okay, those verses are time of the end. The issue is who is "the him" throughout those verses. "the him" is the beast king, who will be headquartered in Jerusalem at that time, along with the false prophet, and the statue image of the beast on the temple mount. The king of the north is...
  20. D

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    You are evading. What specific bible passage are you referring to that has the king of the north and ships? I want you by citing the exact bible verse to define the context to prove that it is a time of the end event.