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  1. FollowerofShiloh

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    HAHAHA I knew it! The FBI reported they found images of both Trump and Biden + Event schedules for both on the shooters pc. This boy was going to take them both out. I knew he was a lone wolf.
  2. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    HAHAHA I knew it! The FBI reported they found images of both Trump and Biden + Event schedules for both on the shooters pc. This boy was going to take them both out. I knew he was a lone wolf.
  3. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    The Polls show just about anyone can beat Biden. But Trump is more of a guarantee [there are no guarantees in matters like this] now that this attempt was made on him and he survived.
  4. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Look at the guy who shot John Lennon. A loner who said Lennon's own song told him to shoot Lennon.
  5. FollowerofShiloh

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    He don't even believe what Paul said because Paul said he would see [face to face] but was dead almost 30 years before the Bible was ever completed (since they claim the Bible was the perfect to come). It's hard to prove something to someone who has no rationality to begin with.
  6. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    You are applying something that non believing police officers don't believe in. So they won't be thinking about such things. And probably why they self preserved themselves in these types of scenarios rather than offer themselves up as a sacrifice for the better good of humanity.
  7. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Bottom line is the disgraced Sheriff on the scene with almost 350 Law Enforcement Officers is having his chorizo and eggs wrapped up in a flour/maze tortilla this morning. The Pennsylvania Officers who did not engage are enjoying a jelly filled donut today. They chose themselves over...
  8. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    No different than the police in Texas who waited until the gunman emptied his weapon in a grade school killing 21 before entering into the building.
  9. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    It's on television Aren't you watching the RNC?
  10. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Well, if anyone is watching the Republican Event tonight you just heard Trump's Homeland security Chief Chad Wolf just say it was Trump's OWN SECURITY TEAM who failed in the assignation attempt.
  11. FollowerofShiloh

    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    Paul wrote he would see the prefect face to face. Paul [never saw] the finished Bible so we know the finished Bible (is not) what Paul was claiming. We know Paul was claiming when he see's God face to face.
  12. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    You don't know anything I am thinking for making 4 points of pure stupidity.
  13. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I believe you REAP what you SEW! You think Donald made BILLIONS by doing the Godly thing? I don't believe God was anywhere in Donald's mind for 99% of the choices he has made.
  14. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I only mentioned Greta, who has Autism Spectrum. The others are capable of fighting for themselves.
  15. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Greta has Autism. Trump, at age 65 then should have just ignored her.
  16. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    Nope, just choose his words more wisely.
  17. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    I want Trump to be safe but he probably has sewn enough discourse in his life for many of these things happening.
  18. FollowerofShiloh

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    The shooter was a science and mathematics Geek. Which directly oppose both Donald Trump's and Iranian Muslim beliefs. He acted alone. The kid was bullied and Trump had no problem bullying everyone he met, including a 13 year old Greta Thunberg, who looks like she and the shooter share the...
  19. FollowerofShiloh


    The flesh manifestation was dead but not Himself who is God.