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  1. wattie

    Salvation is a Free Gift.

    Gotta be careful not to make repentance into a work here..or belief into a work. Repentance is a change of mind, heart toward Jesus Christ so we can believe in Him. It isn't lessening sin in our lives before salvation is given. And this is led by Him. He allows us to believe. Most of the...
  2. wattie

    ROMANS 10:9

    There are many bible figures who did not abide or endure at times...but being converted were still kept by the power of God through the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit. So faithfulness isn't a guarantee for a person who has believed.
  3. wattie

    ROMANS 10:9

    Well the will of the Father is to firstly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. So in this sense..yes. But continuous obedience to commands isn't receiving eternal life. Since we continuously don't keep up with them. Justification.. believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive eternal life...
  4. wattie

    ROMANS 10:9

    It is obeying to believe..but it's not a good work. That's what I'm saying. Good works aren't part of receiving eternal life.
  5. wattie

    ROMANS 10:9

    Well works are a response to being given eternal life. Not the means of getting it. So obedience is the right response. Romans 6
  6. wattie

    ROMANS 10:9

    T The will of the Father is firstly to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. It's not works first
  7. wattie

    The Law Poses Two Questions...

    There are different judgments. One is for the lost.. one for the saved.. one for the saved and faithful. Lost-- obviously hell. Saved-- a place in heaven... saved and faithful-- in heaven and with more rewards. The Hebrews 6 verses are about going on to maturity.. leaving the basic...
  8. wattie

    The Law Poses Two Questions...

    Just compare these verses with Romans 5 and 10 and the book of John. Justification and sanctification become separated.
  9. wattie

    The Law Poses Two Questions...

    Ya as I said to Pilgrimshope, the reverse of scriptures such as be baptized for the remission of sins isn't true, because it would contradict other scriptures.
  10. wattie

    The Law Poses Two Questions...

    The reverse of the Romans vs is not necessarily true. Eg 'don't do these deeds and you won't have eternal life ' The verse is saying they will have eternal life, but not that it is conditioned upon deeds, because that would contradict a whole raft of other scriptures. So it becomes more like...
  11. wattie

    The Law Poses Two Questions...

    All well and good. But if you believe salvation can be lossed, then you HAVE to keep up a standard of good works, thereby still bound by some law standard.
  12. wattie

    The 'ELECT' vs 'Free-Choice'

    yeah.. for sure. It's like they can't see the bible any other way aside from Arminian or Calvin. But yea.. I see pre destination as like jumbo jets that are going to a destination and always will get to that destination.. but to get on the jet you gotta believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
  13. wattie

    The 'ELECT' vs 'Free-Choice'

    No-- not reformed. Not calvinist, nor armenian. I don't see a special class being decided to be saved regardless of belief.. I agree. I was meaning Israel.. not actually being every one converted to believe in Jesus.. but protected as a nation. And then individuals in Israel who believe in...
  14. wattie

    The 'ELECT' vs 'Free-Choice'

    I think here you have the difference between an entire nation having being given a pre-set plan of destiny.. verses one individual. So if Israel is called 'the elect'.. then that's the whole nation. They have been elected for a certain purpose/destiny. This isn't about eternal salvation...
  15. wattie

    Women Will Be Saved Through Childbirth

    The saving in this verse cannot be eternal salvation because eternal salvation is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be seen all thru John So it's got to be something else. Then so as I posted before it becomes a life deliverance from devotion to their child. I suppose...
  16. wattie

    Women Will Be Saved Through Childbirth

    Yes, it's not in the bible.. but it is similar to being saved through childbirth.. the 'saving' is not about eternal life deliverance.. being saved from sins, but deliverance, rescue, recover.
  17. wattie

    Women Will Be Saved Through Childbirth

    This passage is not about conversion, but because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve were then subject to sin.. so Adam had to labour the ground.. Eve had pain in child birth. But it was the birthing of a child that gave Eve the life deliverance (not eternal deliverance from hell). It gave her...
  18. wattie

    trinity is controversial?

    I think it all boils down to this: The bible is crystal clear Jesus is fully God. The Father is also. The Holy Spirit is also. The bible is crystal clear there is only one God. This then is the one triune God. How this works spiritually and mechanically goes beyond our thinking. Like a...
  19. wattie

    trinity is controversial?

    Where I object is separating the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit into separate beings. There is too many scriptures where they do the same thing with the same power etc.. to actually be separate. I see distinction in scripture but not separation.
  20. wattie

    Who is receiving the Spirit?

    Getting back to the topic .. 😀😃 So. What we began with was the distinction in when the Holy Spirit works on the individual and when He is empowering groups/churches. So if I assume the disciples who believed and were baptized unto John's baptism did not have the Holy Spirit indwelling their...