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  1. IlovelivingforJesus

    Prayer For Our President

    Thanks for the prayers, love and support God bless.
  2. IlovelivingforJesus

    Thanking God for the higher blessings in life.

    Thanking God for the higher blessings in life.
  3. IlovelivingforJesus

    It makes us smile when we think of all the wonderful things God has blessed and shared with us...

    It makes us smile when we think of all the wonderful things God has blessed and shared with us. Our relationship with God is of great importance and to be conducted whole heartily.
  4. IlovelivingforJesus

    Prayer For Our Police

    Please pray with me for our Police, they are under attack. I understand about the ones that are doing wrong are in trouble. We still need those who are doing their job correctly. God please help us concerning the Police I know that you placed them here to protect us and not for harm.
  5. IlovelivingforJesus

    Prayer For Our President

    Please pray with me for the strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of our President concerning the nation. Also pray for his health and family, thanks, God bless, heal and cause great success in each of us. Let's help make America great again.
  6. IlovelivingforJesus

    Happy Father's Day

    God bless you, Happy Father's Day, may the Lord keep you safe, healed and surrounded with love. Congrats! for the wonderful job that you do and the tremendous love shown and shared.:)
  7. IlovelivingforJesus

    Comment by 'IlovelivingforJesus' in media 'My children'

    Thanks TabinRivCA God bless you too.
  8. IlovelivingforJesus

    Happy Father's Day

    Happy Father's Day
  9. IlovelivingforJesus

    Lord thank you for teaching us how to keep the fire lit.

    Lord thank you for teaching us how to keep the fire lit.
  10. IlovelivingforJesus

    Comment by 'IlovelivingforJesus' in media 'My children'

    Frederick, Jermaine Brian and Angel.:)
  11. thumbnail.jpg


    I decorated the table for Father;s Day. I love being creative.
  12. IlovelivingforJesus

    Happy Father's Day Post

    Me,hubby and our kids, It's almost Father's Day, the kids and I are about to shower him with more love. Hubby and I been together for many years. I still love everything on and in him, he's my love! provider! comforter! rider! Words cannot say how happy I am to be his wife! Our children are our...
  13. My children

    My children

    My children
  14. IlovelivingforJesus

    May the saints grow to heights in the Lord as he planned.

    May the saints grow to heights in the Lord as he planned.
  15. IlovelivingforJesus

    It's almost father's day. I decorated the kitchen table for hubby. I'm gonna cook him A nice...

    It's almost father's day. I decorated the kitchen table for hubby. I'm gonna cook him A nice dinner and were gonna shower him with gifts because that's what he deserve.
  16. IlovelivingforJesus

    The Lord's prayer Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, Thy...

    The Lord's prayer Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine...
  17. IlovelivingforJesus

    God Wants To Use You.

    Godsmile I love your name and thanks for the beautiful response.
  18. IlovelivingforJesus

    I love caring for my babies and hubby. I would do anything for them, I'm so thankful to have...

    I love caring for my babies and hubby. I would do anything for them, I'm so thankful to have each of them, they make me feel so wonderful showering me with the love of God each day. It feels so good living the life God has ordained for us. When we obey God his blessings are always there.
  19. IlovelivingforJesus

    We wear A mask whenever we go out. Let's be safe and responsible.

    We wear A mask whenever we go out. Let's be safe and responsible.