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  1. tanakh

    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    Has it ever occured to anyone that Satan wants as many unsaved dead as possible so spreading the idea that Covid 19 doesnt exist is a good way to set about doing it. It is a variation of an old trick where he convinces people that he doesnt exist either.
  2. tanakh

    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    I didnt know that. Still it must be the only place that has. I think Australia has had more than enough problems recently than to worry about the wearing of face shields.
  3. tanakh

    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    Have ye not heard of E Bay. Verily on this web site offers of face shields can be found which allow the wearer to not only talk plainly but to be recognised by the hearer. In far off Pagan days Plastic was unheard of so any occult activity was practiced by using masks made of something else...
  4. tanakh

    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    Here we have been told to wear a mask on public transport and in stores unless one has underlying health issues. Now suddenly there is a pandemic of these mystereous health issues and of people who dont know the difference between two metres and two inches. My underlying health issue is with...
  5. tanakh


    This is alleged to be an Arab Christian Forum. I would be interested to know exactly who the Arab Christian contributers are. Their religious and cultural backgrounds and to what extent they have been indoctrinated by western fundamentalism. Seeing this site is supposed to hold the truth as...
  6. tanakh

    Mystery of Life in living things.

    All creation from an atomic partical to a Galaxy are physical manifestations of the spirital reality of God. Christ is that reality, The Universe is the word incarnate. That is what Paul meant when he said that in Christ we live and move and have our being Christ took human form to reveal the...
  7. tanakh

    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    Because no one else as far as I know are producing them. If anyone feels nervous about wearing a Chinese one you dont need to be a genious to make your own.
  8. tanakh

    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    I wear a face shield because they do the same job as a mask but are more comfortable also others can see your whole face. If you cant get one then use a mask
  9. tanakh

    Aliens are actually demonic spirits merely pretending to be extraterrestrials?

    The Probe was New Horizons. It was launched on January 19 2006 and its closest approach was on July 14 2015 It had two cameras on board one being able to take pictures in ultra Violet. Those sent back were the first ever seen of the planet due to its size and distance. If you want more...
  10. tanakh

    Aliens are actually demonic spirits merely pretending to be extraterrestrials?

    Ive just watched a facinating programme about Pluto a world that has a volcano whose lava consists of Water that contains Ammonia. This allows it to flow in the 200- degree temperature. It appears that all its mountains and hills are made of rock solid ice. Its atmosphere has been reproduced...
  11. tanakh

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    I have never knowingly met a Luciferian idiotic or otherwise. I assume you have. I dont know what or who caused the Pandemic and at present I dont care unless the knowledge creates a cure for it. I am concerned about people who help spread it by their selfish thoughtless attitudes that...
  12. tanakh

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    Taking liberties away? Here in the UK our Government is doing a balancing act of cautiously moving back towards normality whilst preventing loss of life. I enjoyed my first meal in a Cafe this morning for weeks, but still complied with social distancing. In contrast there were people in Soho...
  13. tanakh

    Plagues against Egypt foreshadow the Tribulation?

    The whole of Revelation is forshadowed in the OT. Many people cant understand Revelation properly because they hav'nt studied the OT fully or understood how the Bible interprets itself. John was steeped in OT scripture. The Holy Spirit guided him as to what to write. Jesus spoke about having...
  14. tanakh

    Aliens are actually demonic spirits merely pretending to be extraterrestrials?

    I believe these beings are evil. I havn't seen one report of them giving the observers a happy time' or anything beneficial for that matter. I'm not one of those who think its all a hoax too many trustworthy people have reported them. I think many of the worlds governments know about them and...
  15. tanakh

    Yes, This Does Embarrass Me

    You dont need to go to Alabama to find people treating the Pandemic as a Joke or something trivial just read some posts on this site. It appears that the more the death rate rises the more ridiculous the comments become.
  16. tanakh

    ~Today's Inspiration~

    The Bible is a Treasure Map and Jesus is theTreasure
  17. tanakh


    Many people are longing to hear the last trump Millions more around the world are longing to see the last of Trump
  18. tanakh


    Theres an awful lot of Coffins in Brazil
  19. tanakh

    "Antichrist": Broad Deception By Narrow Definition

    Gods wrath doesnt cover the whole of the seventieth week. Revelation is not in strict chronological order. It is in the order of the visions John receives. Much of the book is written in symbolic language which is based on literally hundreds of OT passages and inferences. Also it was written...
  20. tanakh

    "Antichrist": Broad Deception By Narrow Definition

    Our salvation is not based on works but our works are the fruit of our salvation. As for the Pre tribulation Rapture I agree that it is a deception but warning some people is a waste of time. They have been presented with the truth both from scripture and history but it makes no...