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  1. Snackersmom

    Question about women in the church.

    Hi Derobo, I was actually engaging with a different user but I appreciate your above comments :cool:. I do have to take issue that every prophet God used in the O.T. was male, MOST of them were male but you are forgetting about Deborah, Huldah, and Miriam. ;) But again, my point here isn't to...
  2. Snackersmom

    Question about women in the church.

    I appreciate that, perhaps I will start the thread sometime but right now I'm elbow-deep in a children's ministry project. I only stepped in when some of yall were veering too far off that path. Perhaps you don't realize how you come across, or the impact your words might have. Being that we ARE...
  3. Snackersmom

    Question about women in the church.

    If my point was to argue with you over the meaning of Strong's 5828, I would mention that the vast majority of the 21 uses of "ezer" referred to God helping men. I sincerely hope you wouldn't interpret God helping you to mean God should submit to you ;). However, I'm not here to argue if wives...
  4. Snackersmom

    Question about women in the church.

    That's a LITTLE better, but the way you are coming across is legit concerning. If the Bible says you shouldn't rejoice that the DEMONS are subject to you, ya might want to be careful about rejoicing that your wife is :rolleyes:. Also, not sure what you would consider a MAJOR prophesy, but...
  5. Snackersmom


    Hi Grace, welcome to the site! If you want, you could tell us a little about yourself. Or you could start a new thread about a topic that interests you and I'm sure you'll get some responses! 😎
  6. Snackersmom

    Question about women in the church.

    This was a lengthy post and many probably skipped over it, but I appreciate you breaking it down and I believe you are correct that the passage was referring to wives teaching/debating or rebuking their husbands and other men in a church setting. I do not believe that God requires me to submit...
  7. Snackersmom


    Hi Redeemed, welcome to the site! If you start a thread with a specific topic I think you will get a lot more responses. Happy posting! :cool:
  8. Snackersmom

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    Hi 2ndTime, I see the OP is no longer a member but figured I'd clarify my point anyway- I only meant to imply that I had been to the mental place where the OP was coming from, I did not mean to imply that it was a good place to be haha. I even still catch myself visiting there on occasion. But...
  9. Snackersmom

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    I could be wrong but he seems to feel that staying alone is inevitable, so in stating it repeatedly he hopes to help himself accept it. Hope deferred makes the heart sick; if he kills the hope it can't be deferred. I'm not sure it works like that but I get why he's doing it; I've done it myself...
  10. Snackersmom

    Ladies, Are You Afraid to Let a Man See You Without Makeup? Men, Do You Ever Wish You Could Wear Something to Cover Acne? (Skin Problems.)

    Interesting.... I would say that my one physical requirement is liking the guys' eyes. But exactly what that entails is hard to explain, I just know it when I see it. 🤷‍♀️ And @CarriePie, I've heard of demi-ism and it sounds accurate for me, though I've had the emotional connection occur pretty...
  11. Snackersmom

    Ladies, Are You Afraid to Let a Man See You Without Makeup? Men, Do You Ever Wish You Could Wear Something to Cover Acne? (Skin Problems.)

    This is true for me as well. Of course I have preferences and such but if I have a real connection with the guy then he just becomes attractive to me even if he doesn't fit my preferences. I was talking to a guy friend about this and he said it doesn't work that way for men but of course he...
  12. Snackersmom

    I wish......

    I wish Cameron143 had realistic wishes. 😒
  13. Snackersmom

    I wish......

  14. Snackersmom

    Church Discipline

    You can count me on the list of users who viewed this thread several times and didn't respond. It wasn't for lack of transparency though; I'm not a pastor and not authorized to discipline anyone outside of youth group and childrens' church. I was intrigued by your thread because a lack of...
  15. Snackersmom

    Mid-Life Crisis who has gone through it

    And enjoyable 😏.
  16. Snackersmom

    How "Financially Set" Does One Need to Be in Order to "Qualify" for Looking for a Spouse?

    I'm only a potato when I'm sad. The rest of the time I identify as an aspiring bag lady. 😜
  17. Snackersmom

    A Different Take

    Do not not encourage his heresy, but instead correct him as a brother.
  18. Snackersmom

    Mid-Life Crisis who has gone through it

    I bought purple temporary hair dye and learned to stupid-flirt with men a decade my junior. Don't you judge me people, it was cheaper than buying a motorcycle! 😌
  19. Snackersmom

    How "Financially Set" Does One Need to Be in Order to "Qualify" for Looking for a Spouse?

    Yeah, your comment is what I was thinking of when I said that but I've thought of it before when friends tell me to find an older rich guy to marry :rolleyes:. It really doesn't sound appealing to goof off all day. But a man who submits his finances to God, no matter how copious or meager they...
  20. Snackersmom

    Retired with a Side Hustle?

    Hi miss Rose! I don't know what his interests are, but sounds like he needs a job that doesn't feel like a job to him. :unsure: One of the local theme parks features a riverboat ride that is manned exclusively by retired guys. They are careful and responsible, have the skills and run it like a...