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  1. Snacks

    Spiritual Disciplines

    I liked your entire list but for the above. People’s feeling get in the way of good discernment.
  2. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    The power of secular activism in every aspect of our daily lives can weaken the tenacity of many Christians. And that’s their agenda in a nutshell.
  3. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    @HeIsHere, good luck with this one. Immature, defensive and incorrect is a three-tier wall too dense for my liking. Hopefully your efforts will prove successful.
  4. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    Exactly! Apparently some people think Christians have no right or ability to partake in the Great Commission in a secular society. As the Word is shared, so is its influence in shaping that society, hence why America is a Christian nation; not in law but in spirit.
  5. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    I love being ignored by judgmental people who can’t handle the truth. 🕺
  6. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    Not exclusively Christian, but primarily Christian. And look at the spiritual and social decline of America since the anti-Christian swine have ceased control.
  7. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    Neither does judging millions of people you’ve never met, but you seem to excel in doing exactly that.
  8. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    Beautifully stated. And I am 100% confident the pendulum of life will swing back towards embracing Jesus Christ ~ His teachings and more importantly, His saving grace.
  9. Snacks

    Do you still believe America is a Christian nation?

    Absolutely America is still a Christian nation. The problem is tares live among the wheat.
  10. Snacks

    Two main issues

    Thank you, @HeIsHere. You know what brings me confidence and empowerment regarding God’s grace? Jesus Christ, in whom all things were created, rode a donkey in triumph rather than a Clydesdale. And just prior to taking His last breath, Jesus said, forgive them Father, for they know not what they...
  11. Snacks

    Am I saved

    John 3.16-17 and Romans 10.9-10 have no mention of water baptism.
  12. Snacks

    Two main issues

    Thank you, wattie for posting this. It’s refreshing to read posts from people who understand the fullness of God’s grace.
  13. Snacks

    Am I saved

    Since you question whether or not you’re saved, I would encourage you to pray in the same manner we are to love God, with all your heart, mind, body and soul.
  14. Snacks

    Salvation by works

    Anyone who is new to the faith and still in the process of figuring things out need to disregard the above heretical garbage. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
  15. Snacks

    "What must I do to be saved?"

    Oh ye of little faith
  16. Snacks

    "What must I do to be saved?"

    Now you’re playing both sides of the coin.
  17. Snacks

    Salvation by works

    I was talking to a schizophrenic woman this morning. She has great faith in Jesus Christ but doesn’t perform works because she is a recluse. She understands we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
  18. Snacks

    "What must I do to be saved?"

    The person in my scenario is saved.
  19. Snacks

    "What must I do to be saved?"

    Tell that to the non-believer I spoke to this morning who said she hopes her dying grandmother is received by God.