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  1. M

    Should a Christian man always be provider in a modern women's rights-oriented world?

    I feel like I can't be in a relationship, because I don't, and probably never will, have enough money. I suppose you can partially pin the blame on me in a way, but at some level I feel like I didn't have much say in that matter. Anyways, every church I've ever been to says that men should be...
  2. M

    Magic the Gathering

    What are people's thoughts on this game? I've recently become interested in it, it's just plain fun. However, after watching a documentary, it seems some Christians have deemed it satanic. I don't really see it, as nobody I know directly engages in sorcery as a result of playing Magic, and to...
  3. M

    Does Lego Movie have any anti-biblical messages?

    I saw it in theaters and didn't notice anything overly overt, but at a scene or two scratched my head and thought "wait a minute, is there a hidden message there?" Many claim it is anti-business, which is very different than anti-Bible. The reason I actually posted this was because around 95%...
  4. M

    Why don't we have a direct Greek-to-English translation?

    So this morning I heard a missionary refer to the verse that says you shall "know the truth and the truth shall set you free." and explained that the Greek "know" is to have an experience and the greek word for "truth" is Jesus Christ. That makes sense, but it got me thinking, if we have this...
  5. M

    Hello I am a new member

    Just thought I would say hi and introduce myself. Don't really know what I'm supposed to say here, other than hello. I have been a Christian since I was 20 years old, now 30 years old. I suppose I could share my faith story but it would be practically a book if I did (might be exaggerating a...