I don’t know everything the lord thinks- just what he says in his word. I ask you questions because everyone should be questioned. Besides, you seem to think you know more than the rest of us. Why not test it?
Are you someone who doesn’t like to be challenged?
There’s another booster for this year. It’s going to be something we should get every time it’s available. Technically Covid has been around since 2013 on the sars line up. If everyone is bound to get Covid I’d rather have some protection in my system than hope I have enough of an immune...
This was very interesting. I see Russel’s point about putting on love when talking to someone and not anger. Honestly, I thought this was going to be a much darker conversation. They seem to have a mutual respect for one another.
I’d like to say that just because gift are my love language doesn’t mean I want lots of money spent on me. The thought really does count. I love handmade things like cards and letters. Not everyone needs money or expensive stuff to be happy.
Believe it or not I’m rather conspiracy theory oriented. I was on a military base when 9/11 happened and watched the second plane fly into the tower. How our government handled things was (and still does) just plain stupid. Deeply stupid in some aspects, but watching the base erupt in chaos and...
The abortions in China were done for different reasons than the ones in America. That doesn’t make them right, but the choices are very different there.
Abortions in the States aren’t forced. Abortions here aren’t a choice between your life and the baby’s due to the government’s control...
Okay, so is it 430 million or 63 million or 250 million abortions have happen since Roe happened?
This is my problem with getting information from PACs and various Christian prolife groups instead of actual medical data. They make up their own numbers and people just believe it. We ALWAYS have...
They’re experts because they’ve studied in depth whatever it is they’ve studied. They went to school, poured hundreds if not thousands of hours into it. Listened to all sides of their subject matter and passed tests, wrote papers/books about their subject.
What makes you an expert? Listening...
I have many game apps installed on my phone, but I don’t play them often. It doesn’t occur to me, actually. But I have candy crush, Skip-Bo, oughts and noughts, and others I can’t remember. :cool:
That’s how I’m Jewish. My mom’s family came over from Lithuania. If I went to shul I’d be able to have dual citizenship in Israel, and honestly, Israel feels like home.
Gifts are my primary love language and words of affirmation are a close second. These are my love language both giving and receiving. I love to buy or make something for someone just because I thought of them. Even if it’s a pack of gum at the grocery store. It’s fun for me and it let’s them...
I used to have a list but that went out the window with my last relationship. We looked great on paper but things weren’t great at all. If God wants me to get married he’ll make it clear.
I don’t use fabric softener. I stopped when I took my washing machine apart and saw how icky it was. There was green gunk every where! When I pictured that stuff on my various fabrics I stopped immediately.