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  1. KohenMatt


    Does anyone here pay attention to, of follow the Talmud. And if so, to what degree. And if not, why not? Discuss.
  2. KohenMatt

    Kick Them Out!

    Has your church ever had to ask someone to leave the church? If so, for what? If so, how did you go about it? And if so, how was it perceived by the congregation?
  3. KohenMatt

    Audio Adrenaline

    I feel old today..... In High School, I listed to Audio Adrenaline all the time and even saw them in concert during their early years (like "Big House" years). Tonight I'm "chaperoning" my nieces and nephew at the concert. Where did the years go?
  4. KohenMatt

    Oh no, not another Sabbath Blessing thread!

    I hope you all had a great week, and feel closer to our God, and a little more mature in your relationship with Him. May this weekend, and this Sabbath in particular, be a time of rest and rejoicing, and a time of blessed fellowship with our Savior, and one another. Shabbat Shalom!
  5. KohenMatt

    What Church from Revelation 2 & 3 are You a Part Of?

    What Church from Revelation 2 & 3 are You a Part Of?
  6. KohenMatt

    Have a great Weekend of Worship!

    To all of my brothers and sister here, I pray that you have a great and intimate time of worship, no matter the day (or days) you do it on. May you be refreshed in His love for you, and may you be even more motivated to bring His Kingdom to those around you. And for those of you who have been...
  7. KohenMatt

    A Blessed Sabbath!

    Ezekiel 20:12 "Also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them." Thank you, Abba, for choosing us to be your children. Thank You for this past week and bringing us through it, and we praise You for the rest you give...
  8. KohenMatt

    Do you celebrate Halloween?

    Discuss. Why? Why not?
  9. KohenMatt

    Catholic "Ten" Commandments

    I know I've posted this before, but I was reminded of it when I walked past this statue at lunch. See what's missing? Interesting, eh?
  10. KohenMatt

    For those of you keeping the Sabbath........

    Isaiah 58:13-14 “If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot From doing your own pleasure on My holy day, And call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, And honor it, desisting from your own ways, From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word, 14 Then you will...
  11. KohenMatt

    Have a Great Sabbath!

    For those of you keeping the Sabbath, may you have a blessed and peaceful day, and may you meet with God on this day, just as He has promised to meet with us on this day. And may His life multiply in your life today!
  12. KohenMatt

    An Extra Special Sabbath!

    To all of you who choose to enter into the Sabbath, May God grant you an extra amount of revelation and insight, and even more of a broken and contrite heart on this day! For those celebrating this Day of Atonement, may we all be humbled and worshipful of the merciful and gracious sacrifice our...
  13. KohenMatt

    Kol Nidre

    Any of you Messianic-type folks ever done a Kol Nidre Service? If so, what did you do?
  14. KohenMatt

    Anyone else bothered with the Pledge of Allegiance?

    While I'm thankful God placed me in this country, I've grown increasingly uncomfortable saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Anyone else, or any thoughts?
  15. KohenMatt

    (Weekly) Sabbath Blessings!

    For those of in the habit of celebrating a weekly Sabbath..... May this day be a day of peace, or revelation and of rest. May the struggles, trials, failures and shortcomings be washed away and left behind because of the mercy and grace of our Savior. May this 7th day prepare us for another...
  16. KohenMatt

    Have an Awesome Sabbath!

    Again, may you all enter into this Sabbath with excitement and anticipation for what our God will do this day. Not just in our lives, but in His entire Kingdom. But we look for even more ways to honor Him and worship Him with every single thought, word and action. May your entire family be at...
  17. KohenMatt

    Shabbat Shalom!

    I know its the morning of, but I hope you all have a blessed day of rest. May we all rest from our own pursuits and struggles, and may we all seek to bring rest physically and spiritually to those around us. And may grant us rest in the process. Have a great Sabbath! Matt
  18. KohenMatt

    Have a Blessed Sabbath!

    1 Kings 5:4 "But now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side, and there is no adversary or disaster." May you truly feel the rest in every aspect of your life on this Sabbath!. Because of His merciful and miraculous provision, may you experience rest from every trial and tribulation...
  19. KohenMatt

    Upcoming Biblical Feasts - pt. 1

    This is a thread only for those of us who actively celebrate the Biblical Feast days. It's NOT for debating or criticizing.. Part 1 - The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) It's coming up around Sept. 5th, depending on your interpretation of the calendar. How do you celebrate or observe it...
  20. KohenMatt

    The Catholic 10 Commandments

    I'd heard this concept for awhile, but I had never bothered to check it out for myself. I walked by the Catholic Church near my work the other day and saw on their 10 commandments sculpture that they omit the 2nd Commandment about no idols and they split up the 10th in to not coveting your...