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  1. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    Yeah I have heard that Kingdom Hearts is outrageously ridiculous. I've seen some video summaries about the plot and I was definitely lost.
  2. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    I totally agree. Michelangelo's paintings are amazing but nowhere near as good as his sculpture. What art magazines are you subscribed to? I think Hi Fructose is a pretty great contemporary art magazine. I've found a lot of very talented artists through this one but there is also a lot of really...
  3. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    I love Monet! I went to a Monet exhibit at the de Young earlier this year and it was absolutely breathtaking. Vermeer is also amazing. I'm a really big fan of Michelangelo and Bernini. I also love Munch, Goya, and other artists with expressionist tendencies. This is a little lowbrow, but I...
  4. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    I started playing Chrono Trigger a year ago but I never finished it... I'll have to pick it up again. Square Enix huh? So are you a Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fan? I have Final Fantasy VI on the SNES but I never got to play Kingdom Hearts because I didn't have a Playstation 2 as a kid. A...
  5. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    I love art! I took a bunch of art classes in high school and an art history course in university. Who are your favorite artists?
  6. paisleypanther

    prayer for an uncertain future

    Hey everyone. I have been struggling in a few different ways. I'm getting ready to graduate from university next semester and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I want to get a PhD but I don't know where to apply or even what I want to do. I'm taking a year off to try and get some direction...
  7. paisleypanther

    A quick poem inspired by Psalms

    I've been suffering from severe guilt and shame over my past. Although I was saved as a child, I had been living a very secular lifestyle ever since high school. I got involved with very broken people and did a lot of things I feel like I can never forgive myself for. Lately, I've been...
  8. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    Lucifer as a protagonist? I had no idea... that's really bad. You mentioned earlier that you do like a lot of JRPGs! Which ones do you especially like?
  9. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    Yeah that's definitely understandable. I played it quite a while ago and looking back there are a lot of things in it that are questionable.
  10. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    Hello! I honestly have not played many games lately (I'm in college right now so I'm super busy). The last game I played was Persona 5, which was pretty good. What games have you been playing recently? What would you say are your favorite games?
  11. paisleypanther

    any geeks in this forum?!

    Hey everyone! I wanted to make a thread for all the geeks on this forum! What do you enjoy? Science fiction or fantasy? Video games? Anime? Tabletop RPGs? Novels? Comic books? Let's talk about it all and share some recommendations :giggle:
  12. paisleypanther

    Your thoughts on friendships with non-Christians?

    In my life, I have found my secular friends to be one of my greatest blessings. I went to a very Christian high school so when I started going to a (notoriously) secular public university, I was very scared about making friends. I was afraid that many nonbelievers would only care about partying...
  13. paisleypanther

    I feel utterly suicidal today, I can't seem to go on anymore

    Hi Amorette, I definitely have been in your place before. Please know that whatever is happening now will surely pass. That might sound silly and cliche, but it's true. Whenever I used to feel especially suicidal, I just focused on surviving minute by minute. A lot of those horrible feelings...
  14. paisleypanther

    Condemning Voices

    Dear Jason, I am so sorry that you have been afflicted in this way. I have struggled similarly in the past (and truth be told, it still affects me sometimes). Trauma is perhaps the hardest thing to overcome. When it is paired with shame from sin, things can get very messy. I remember just...
  15. paisleypanther

    what wholesome video games do y'all enjoy?

    Hiya! Sorry for the late reply again. I've been super busy with university projects and finals. I actually really appreciate that you asked this question because it has made me think more critically about what games I do and don't consider okay. When I say "wholesome game," I think I really mean...
  16. paisleypanther

    what wholesome video games do y'all enjoy?

    Yeah I would say so! Though I wouldn't include magic as something bad. Some of my favorite games have magic in them! And yeah I'd say Tetris counts as pretty wholesome.
  17. paisleypanther

    what wholesome video games do y'all enjoy?

    Hello everyone! I am a college student who really enjoys playing video games. In fact, I enjoy video games so much that I want to design my own video games. This is no big surprise, but I have become increasingly saddened by the gratuitous violence that is so often seen in video game titles. So...
  18. paisleypanther

    Hi everyone!

    Hello everyone! My name is Emily and I am a Christian college student who just recommitted myself to Christ. Living at a university in the San Francisco Bay Area has been very difficult on my faith: people are very hostile to Christians. I am hoping to find support and comfort while I live in a...