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  1. D

    Top 6 Ways Pastors Keep Their Sheep At Bay

    Thank you for such a professional commentary on this passage of scripture. It is very enlightening, But I must tell you I'm heart broken. I don't want it to be this way. I want for our church leaders to go back to shepherding the individual. I want to be discipled by my pastor, not a $19 book...
  2. D

    Why I disregard "organized" religions

    Apparently, you don't need to do anything. I misunderstood, brother. What a great testimonial. You've at least confessed Christ to me, and I'm very grateful to hear it. I am also saddened by your loss, but you will be with her soon enough. Now it's time for both of us to roll up our sleeves and...
  3. D

    Why I disregard "organized" religions

    I bet there are other translations which clarify different doctrines better than others. I believe the NET bible, for example, to be more a precise translation of the Greek text. But I was merely trying to help him get off a translation that people no longer understand. I am enthusiastic about...
  4. D

    Why I disregard "organized" religions

    Yes you do belong to the church, brother. Because you are the church. Remember what Jesus said to the pharisees in John chapter 2? They were challenging him to perform some miracle to prove he was the Messiah. He told them to tear down the temple and he would rebuild it in three days. And...
  5. D

    Why I disregard "organized" religions

    I want you to start reading in the New International Version (NIV). Ditch the King James Version. We stopped speaking that way over 250 years ago. Suffice it to say (for now) that the old testament was written to show the Israelite's desperate need for a savior. In turn, it shows our modern need...
  6. D

    May God Richly Bless You and Your Family

    I took my son and an old friend (86 to be exact) out to Denny's. They both had a great time. I have my son again this weekend. The weather is awful, so we're just hanging out. Sorry you caught a cold on Thanksgiving.
  7. D

    Top 6 Ways Pastors Keep Their Sheep At Bay

    The Lord’s message came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them—to the shepherds: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not shepherds feed the flock? 3 You eat the fat, you...
  8. D

    Speak Your Mind.

    Finally! Someone who wants to talk about God...It's just like going to church. All people want to talk about is how well their kids are doing in college. That's a beautiful picture of a young lady worshiping God. She reminds me a little of Taylor Swift. I wonder how much more beautiful she...
  9. D

    May God Richly Bless You and Your Family

    Yes. He got to spend time with me. And then he got to spend time with his mom and all of her family. I no longer enjoy the Norman Rockwell Thanksgivings I had growing up as a kid. But I am grateful at least my son has that opportunity. Thanks for asking. How was yours?
  10. D

    If Someone Lives a Life of Willful Irreverence Towards God,

    I'm not trying to be flippant, coy or disrespectful to you in any way here. But can you please define willful irreverence. I'm not sure i have seen that term used in the scriptures. Thanks. And then maybe I can have an honest opinion.
  11. D

    Hi all, new here

    I hope you don't abandon the most important doctrine: That Jesus Christ died for you so you can have eternal life with the Father. When you have decided you don't want sin in your life and you accept the free gift of salvation, you accept the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. No other...
  12. D

    The Service-Outside-The-Walls Challenge

    Yes, and it is really sad that they have to find comfort and support from strangers on a forum because the big institutional churches are abandoning them.
  13. D

    Selling Abortions

    Thank you for sharing this heart-breaking video. Very important. Also, I just wanted to say thanks to Roughsoul1991 for your apologetics research and posts. I am grateful for brothers and sisters like you who have that talent. If I am ever challenged by an atheist, I always defer to people like...
  14. D

    The Service-Outside-The-Walls Challenge

    I've been waiting for this type of reply to my post. And I agree with you, to a point. I agree we should not be show-boating. I think Jesus was specifically referring to those religious leaders who wanted to score points with not only the public, but with the other Pharisees. My intention here...
  15. D

    The Service-Outside-The-Walls Challenge

    Maybe, but it needs to be called out that there is way too much "I will be sure and pray for you" and not enough "Here, let me help you with that." Wouldn't you agree?
  16. D

    Christianity......what I have learned on here.

    Hello, brother. Can we take this one at a time? Yes, in fact, he wrote 66 of them. There is minor disagreement about certain doctrines. But the doctrine you and I have to absolutely agree on is contained in the first four books of the new testament. God lets a lot of people live a long time...
  17. D

    The Service-Outside-The-Walls Challenge

    I guess I will start: I had the privilege today of driving an elderly man to the doctor and then to his bank to have a paper notarized. Not very earth shattering, but it's a start. What about you? Can you give us an idea of how you are serving outside the four walls of your church?
  18. D

    May God Richly Bless You and Your Family

    I almost forgot this verse. It is on my top ten list. My absolute favorite. I love the way Paul interacts with the Philippians. He calls them his brothers and sisters; his dear friends; his joy and his crown. I am compelled now to read this amazing book again. I always feel encouraged by it.
  19. D

    May God Richly Bless You and Your Family

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Eph. 1:3 If you don't feel blessed this week, take a moment and make a long list of what you have now and are grateful for. I will do the same. If you post...