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  1. D

    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    Okay then. What are you going to do about it? It's time you put me and others like me out of business. Here are some suggestions: 1. Get a few of your friends from church together at your house next Sunday, instead of meeting at the church you normally attend. 2. Have each person read their...
  2. D

    Testimony from parents whose kids finally decided to start going to church?

    My seven-year-old son hates going to church. He says it's boring. The kids are mean, and all they do in Sunday School is arts and crafts. He also stated the problem of us being separated almost the whole time we are there (like you, I am also a weekend dad). You know what, he's right. I have...
  3. D

    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    Yes, this post was meant to be satirical in nature. Sadly, there is some truth to it, however. Pastors (and their staff) have become CEO's instead of shepherds. I was attempting to point that sad fact out in this melodramatic piece. I think most of us have run into a pastor or two who have...
  4. D

    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    Dear Members of the Church, It has come to the attention of the staff that our attendance is down. This is because we are in the end times. Satan has made his presence felt in the U.S. and elsewhere. Young people are leaving the church in droves. They are the new Millennials who haven’t had...
  5. D

    How Would You Explain Christianity?

    Yeah, it's amazing how we can still succumb to Satan's pressure even though we are Christ-followers. We still sin, and it stinks. My biggest challenge is to forgive another Christian who hurt me terribly. He then turned around and said, "I'll pray for you." I have to find a way to forgive him...
  6. D

    How Would You Explain Christianity?

    Actually, it is a very informal work environment, but I do have to be somewhat careful.
  7. D

    How Would You Explain Christianity?

    So, in other words, you take a scientific approach, right? You must hang out with some very smart people.
  8. D

    How Would You Explain Christianity?

    Sounds ambitious, but a really good suggestion nonetheless. Thanks.
  9. D

    How Would You Explain Christianity?

    I was in the breakroom at work the other day. I overheard two young co-workers discussing who they thought Jesus was. The words coming out of their mouths were astonishing. It was as if they were raised in the amazon rain forest! It would have been comical if it weren't for the stakes being so...
  10. D

    How to come out to family

    I first want to say that I am in awe of your faith. I am not qualified to give instruction since I have never been good at "coming out, " either. What I will say is, this community needs you. We need you to teach us. All of us babes in Christ need to understand what it is really like to have...
  11. D

    Love From The Beginning

    I agree with Von1. Very nice, thank you for sharing.
  12. D

    God bless all of you! I hope my friend's poem of faith will be a blessing to you all!

    Yes, I am in agreement with M.Q. The Lord is our light in a very dark world. What a great testimony. Thank you for sharing.
  13. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    You have a great point, L (can I call you L?). I could write an entire book on this one subject that you so aptly pointed out. Women are buying into the notion that since they are able (and willing) to make more money today, the fathers of their children are merely an accessory. You hear...
  14. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    It sounds like you've been burned a few times also. The only remedy for that is to find a woman who is so devoted to Christ, she won't want to disappoint Him by leaving you.
  15. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Yes, our viewpoints are different, but remember, we serve the same God. I think there is a misconception about my original post. Although money plays an important role, it is the cohesion of a man and woman bonded by their dedication to God that will keep them together for life. Unfortunately...
  16. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Actually, it's not the money so much as the big institutional churches caving to societal pressure. They are subscribing to an ultra-feminist viewpoint that no man is capable or worthy of having a female companion for life. Also, these churches quit making disciples a long time ago, male and...
  17. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Very nice. Thank you for your prayers and understanding. Have a great week.
  18. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Okay, so I think this is a great start for discussion. In my example, Polly-Ann Princess is not the problem. It is the church that encourages her to find perfection in her new husband. I will have to elaborate later. I have to get to my second job. If I don't make my child support payments on...
  19. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    I agree. But in our current hyper-feminist culture, even our churches are becoming complicit in a one-sided narritive. And men are often too affraid to speak up.
  20. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    I like your sense of humor :D