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  1. T

    Hi there

    Welcome! I'm glad you could join us. I'm new around here too.
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    First thing you will do after the lockdown

    When this is all over, I am FINALLY doing to take that trip to Europe I have wanted to take for most of my life. In fact, I wouldn't mind even working in Europe for a couple years. I really want to see the world and be exposed to different people and cultures. I feel so cooped up here.
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    Calming dating fears and how do you get close due to COVID-19

    There's a risk in everything you do in life. If you are extremely afraid of contracting the virus, or are immunocompromised, I recommend waiting until this pandemic is over to date. It's very painful getting emotionally invested in someone and not being able to meet them in person.
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    Due to the pandemic...

    Peeing your pants is the coolest, due to the pandemic.
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    What would make a Christian video game good?

    A game that is compelling is one that is written with an authentic expression of the heart. When you stitch tropes together with what you think will sell, people will see right through it and find the story soulless. Same as when you put together a script of drive-through evangelism into a...
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    So about the End times

    It always feels like the end times. But people have thought it was the end times since 2000 years ago. Sometimes it feels that way with the way things are going now. But ultimately, I don't know. The thought of escaping this world sounds really nice. I'm really weary of everything that is...
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    BLM does not make sense

    I still want justice for George Floyd. I was really fired up after it all happened. But I feel so burned out from all this senseless destruction. Every day, I hear of businesses in my area being attacked. I'm tired of the sanctimonious remarks of "It says a lot that you're more concerned...
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    Seattle ‘Protestors’ New Demand “Give Us Your House!”Apparently, defunding the police is not enough, these Marxist now demand the private property

    The Seattle City Council is terrible, and it keeps getting worse. Over the years, they've been getting more and more radical activists placed. I get the impression most people want them since they keep getting voted in.
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    Christian Dating in the Digital Age

    I feel the same way. I miss the old ways. Online dating can be pit of quicksand. It's easy to build up a fantasy about someone, and fall for that fantasy. And then you meet and they are totally different from what you expected. It creates this image that we can shop around for what we want...
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    Do you think I made the right thing?

    You have to be careful about signs. I pray for wisdom when I want to know something. If I wonder if God wants me to pursue a girl, I'll pray and ask for wisdom. But I have learned that looking for "signs" is dangerous. I have fallen in that trap before, and fallen for girls whom I was...
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    What are some of your biggest turnoffs?

    Mine are: - Not able to handle honest (and sometimes uncomfortable) discussions. Avoiding issues rather than dealing with them. - Reckless with money. Getting into debt and not caring and continuing to dig deeper and deeper. - Constantly criticizing others and finding fault with them. When I...
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    California church defies court order and worships indoors - Thoughts?

    I'm glad he is taking a stand and remaining open. Fellowship in person is absolutely essential. As long as they are taking precautions and wearing masks.
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    Seattle ‘Protestors’ New Demand “Give Us Your House!”Apparently, defunding the police is not enough, these Marxist now demand the private property

    Part of me can sympathize with them. Seattle has gotten incredibly expensive over the years. I can tell you how bad my rent has gotten. A lot of people who have lived in neighborhoods for generations were forced out by rising rents due to gentrification. Even if you own property, the the...
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    Portland DA Declares He Won’t Prosecute Rioters Or Anyone Who Assaulted Officers

    Portland has always been a hotbed for these kinds of protests. Even years ago, they've had people on the streets which often got violent. That city (and Eugene) attract a lot of anti-government anarchists, and people are always looking for trouble. I remember the time a bakery got in trouble...
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    Portland DA Declares He Won’t Prosecute Rioters Or Anyone Who Assaulted Officers

    Yet the Portland DA has no problem charging Joey Gibson because he got into a fight during a protest. Gibson simply happened to be conservative.
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    I'm new here

    Hi everyone, I am new here. I live near the Seattle, WA area. It feels isolating because most people are extremely liberal. I never thought of myself as all that conservative, but by Seattle standards, I'm a redneck republican. With this pandemic and the isolation, it's been hard, so I have...