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  1. 68304058_2443570495924460_7951509148221308928_o.jpg


  2. Rose1956

    Church jobs

    UMC = United Methodist Church
  3. Rose1956

    Say something Random

    Something random..........hehe
  4. Rose1956

    HOME Thread for Christian Singles and Friends

    It appears all you do on here is say good morning and good night.....LOL
  5. Rose1956


    I had to browse my brain of memories to pick a favorite. I am going with Christmases in general, such a happy and special season, honoring the birth of our Lord, and sharing food, fun, and gifts with those we love. In particular, our family tradition was Christmas dinner at my grandparents...
  6. Rose1956

    Hi I’m New

    Welcome to you as well Whispered.
  7. Rose1956

    Church jobs

    I have moved around a bit in my 63 years, most of which I was very active in church ministry. I grew up in a Baptist church in Michigan. In the late 70's and throughout the 80's I taught children's Sun. School, Jr. High youth group, various ages in Pioneer Club, and sang in the choir, in that...
  8. Rose1956

    Hi I’m New

    Congratulations on your 10 years and may God help you to continue your sobriety. Welcome to chat, I hope you enjoy it.
  9. Rose1956

    Hmmm...I thought I responded, maybe I forgot to post it? Sorry, I hope you didn't think I was...

    Hmmm...I thought I responded, maybe I forgot to post it? Sorry, I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you. What a gentleman not asking my age, but if I minded I would not have put my birth year in my name. But hehe, I am older than you, my birthday is May 19.
  10. Rose1956

    Dating apps?

    I actually met my late husband in an internet chat room for singles, and I know several other couples who have successful marriages after meeting on various on line apps. I don't see anything wrong with it but you have to be OH SO careful. Many people are just out for a one night stand. Many...
  11. Rose1956

    Broken hearted

    I am so sorry for what you are going through. I've been through the same thing, trust me, you did the right thing. No one deserves to be abused in any way, including you. What you are feeling is totally normal, you loved this man at one time, and to some degree you still do. You will feel...
  12. Rose1956

    Facial hair! What do you think?

    I personally hate every hair that grows out of my face.....that's why I pluck them! Every woman has different feelings about facial hair on men, and at least for me, it depends on the man. Generally my preference is a good clean shaven face. But men with skin problems or heavy beards may have...
  13. Rose1956

    Howdy, folks!

    Howdy back at ya! I'm pretty new so I don't know you or what you've missed. But welcome back!
  14. Rose1956

    Horrors of Dating

    In this day and age, people are not as polite or respectful as years ago. And with all the technology, dating sites, texting, etc. it's easy to "ghost" people. Perhaps people do it when they are uncomfortable saying something directly? Maybe they have been acting like something they are not...
  15. Rose1956

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    I will definitely be voting for Trump....again. Personally I do not like the man, I find him arrogant and a bully. He says things he shouldn't. He may be corrupt but aren't they all? But as a Christian, I am a conservative, I believe, and vote according to God's word. Trump has some good...
  16. Rose1956

    Thank you for your welcome. It's my birth year as well, that's why I put it

    Thank you for your welcome. It's my birth year as well, that's why I put it
  17. Rose1956

    I'm worried I may have blasphemed the Holy Spirit with my thoughts

    We have no control over our ,or dreams, what we do with them is what matters and where a sin could come in. For instance we get a thought about hurting someone, and then follow through and do it. You were having lovely Godly thoughts when that thought happened. Satan does plant the seed for...
  18. Rose1956

    Why arent people honest

    It is awkward to find yourself in that kind of position. If I tell the truth, that I don't like something, I might hurt someone's feelings, or unnecessarily cause an argument. If I lie, and someone finds out, they are bound to be mad at me. If I just keep my mouth shut, can I tolerate it...
  19. Rose1956

    Something You are Thankful For

    As fall is quickly approaching, I am thankful that I have a new furnace waiting to be put to use when needed. Last winter the old furnace gave out in the middle of a deep freeze. I had a Christian service agency pay for a new one. It took 5 months so I heated with electric room heaters and my...
  20. Rose1956

    Something You are Thankful For

    I didn't think anyone repaired TVs anymore! I don't like crickets so I might not be so thankful for that....LOL