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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    The term isn't used in the Bible. But it refers to the fact that one must accept Jesus as both Lord (boss) and Savior, in order to receive the gift of salvation. And receiving Him as such, according to what I see in the Bible on the subject - is always preceded by true repentance. Rom 10:9...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    True - we ae to read and study and trust God's Word above all else - I agree. It's just that we don't agree.
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Calling Jesus "Lord,' without choosing to obey Him with one's life, is useless and is not able to save anyone.

    I don't believe that repentance isn't "works." I think it is. So that's why the thief on the cross got saved. That's how it looks to me. Yes, I'm careful to search the scriptures a lot and that's important, as you say. And to always pray for God's help and guidance and help with...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    The right way to handle those who don't agree on spiritual doctrines

    This is the attitude Christians need to have when dealing with those who differ with them in spiritual doctrines: "I'll pray for you, and I love you, but I don't agree quite the same." And if you find they don't agree quite the same as you - and can see that they aren't likely to change their...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    This man received assurance of his salvation after repenting - testimony This man came to have an interest in becoming a Christian. But he didn't have peace of mind at first about it. But what helped him overcome the problem, was his learning about the need to repent of sins, as the Bible tells us to do. Following that, he had...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    Faith without works is dead - Bonhoeffer

    True, obedience follows conversion to Christ, because it can't happen without taking on the lordship of Christ, first, and receiving Him as Lord and Savior of one's life. If obedience doesn't follow - the conversion isn't real. There is obedience in involved in accepting God's gift of...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Faith without works is dead - Bonhoeffer

    Thanks so much for your comments here! Thanks for the suggestion of the other Bible discussion sites to try out. I found one in facebook too that has reformed type people in it. I decided to continue posting in here, but to do things differently. I don't want to waste time and energy...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Faith without works is dead - Bonhoeffer

    Yes, the Bible says that if we have become true children of God, it will show in our lives! It takes effort to follow God and may involve persecution, etc., but it's well worth it, as those who end up in heaven will be greatly rewarded eternally, as you know! I think I'll go to a different...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Well we don't agree so we just have to pray for one another.
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Well, the human mind is complex. I'm certainly glad I have a correct understanding of the way of salvation through Jesus. But I know of others who have observed that other sincere Christians who believe faith alone - without works - aren't able to overcome their errors of belief easily...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Well, I do not see lorship salvation to be incorrect or unbiblical. I am not proud. I just believe the Bible for what I see it to say, and believe it is important to do that and to not just believe what we want to believe about how to follow God and how to please Him. I of course...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    Good verse! And to declare Him to be "Lord" in this verse - means to not just say it as a title - but to also revere Him as Lord of one's life - one whom they are to obey with their lives.
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    To respect one's viewpoint, doesn't necessarily mean to agree with it. It just means to agree that their view is sincere, and that they may be true Christians. Many good, sincere Christians have wrong theology. We are to pray for all Christians to overcome errors of belief and to learn to...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    Oh I see. Well, I respect your view. But I highly respect John MacArthur, and find him to be biblically correct on many things - the most important of which, is lordship salvation - which I see as being the only way to get truly saved.
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    I won't. This is because I see him to be correct on the way of salvation. And also see that he loves the Lord very much. And also that God has done great, wonderful things through him for God.
  16. MyrtleTrees

    People who reject the gospel love their sins

    John MacArthur has never said that God has determined for them to love their sin. He only knows that God knows ahead of time, who will reject God, and who will accept him, throughout the rest of time here on the earth. And I see that as correct, as God knows all things - and the beginning...
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I respect your views, but as you see, I am in agreement with them. And I know of many scripture passages that support the way I and they see this subject.
  18. MyrtleTrees

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    Whoever Johny Mac is (I don't know) - I don't watch TV - my husband does. I gather he's not a truthful person often maybe?