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  1. J

    Please pray for my friend Chris

    Hi I met a guy called Chris a couple of months ago. He is kinda homeless. He is a nice man but a bit down on his luck at the moment. He told me he was staying with a friend tonight. I called him just now and he is out walking aimlessly his family said something nasty to him on the phone and it...
  2. J

    Science Confrims Biblical Creation | Dr. Jason Lisle
  3. J

    The Final Prophecies
  4. J

    Scientists prove evolution is wrong !! Scientists question evolution.

    Here is another documentary on Youtube
  5. J

    Dragons or Dinosaurs

    I found this on you tube its really interesting.
  6. J

    Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

    Could you please pray for me. That God will give me the will to seek first the Kingdom of God. That he will use me to glorify himself. That God will lead me by his Holy Spirit, That he will give me a strong desire to be reading the word studying it and praying. That if im being made...
  7. J

    Job Interview

    Hi All, Can you please pray for me , I have had interviews for 3 different jobs recently. I just had a second interview for a new job yesterday. The first interview went well yesterdays one I'm not so sure. Please pray that God will show me favor with this last interview and that I would get...
  8. J

    Please Pray for me

    Hi my name is John. Please pray for me I have another Christian making my life difficult at the moment. Please pray that God will protect me and give me wisdom in my situation and that He will drive away the other person from me or give me divine wisdom dealing with this other person. . Or...
  9. J

    Hi hows it going :D

    Hi, How are ye doing ? I thought this would be a live chat site ! Anyways I'm saved since Feb 2012. I'm serving the Lord as best I can. I like to evangelize by giving out tracts and witnessing to people. Ah I don't really know what to say here don't want to waffle on to much. Sure say hello...