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  1. F

    Hi, fellow Christians

    And another thing i wanted to say....Thank Jesus for doing all the work. Only a fool would think he could keep up with the law.
  2. F

    Hi, fellow Christians

    If the people in the church you where attending behaved like that....Well, maybe it is better that you are no longer attending that one. I am glad you've found some better Christians (at least the ones that behave better). And i am also glad that you did not threw everything right in that...
  3. F

    Hi, i will introduce myself. Hola, me presento a continuacion.

    Oh and i am Fabrizio giavarini. Which in italian means javeline, i thought it was funny due to the hobbies that i have. Anyway...
  4. F

    Hi, i will introduce myself. Hola, me presento a continuacion.

    I am a fellow christian that became saved a couple of years ago. I did not know the Lord before, i did not believe, i was a blind man but my hart got softer as time passed by and i repented and called upon the name of the Lord Jesus. I did not grow up as a consequence in a christian...
  5. F

    Hola! 😃

    Yo siempre quise ir a la iglesia para poder compartir tiempo con mis amigos cristianos (los cuales no tengo pero siempre quise tener) y siempre que fui a la iglesia adoraban a idolos, no adoraban a Dios padre y a Jesucristo sino a la virgen....Esto siempre me habia traido abajo, no esperaba...