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  1. V

    Doomsday Preppers

    Kudos to those females. I'm all for doing house chores, gardening etc but when it comes to carrying, pushing, heavy stuff I rather not succumb my body to such endeavors. I don't want broad shoulders. As for handling a gun, I can be clumsy so I wouldn't trust myself with something that dangerous...
  2. V

    From Off The Face Of The Earth 2

    Not sure what happened to my first post but here it is again. Is it possible Cain survived the flood?
  3. V

    Voting is a waste of time

    Ben Carson is a pansy, he can't public speak to save his life but thank God for his hands being able to perform brain surgery. I think he should stick to the medical field.
  4. V

    Voting is a waste of time

    Its all a joke, the system in place is a joke. Humans should be able to govern themselves but have been extremely deluded. They can't rule themselves because they have been brainwashed into the current way of thinking. Which is extremely sad and pathetic.
  5. V

    Lets Write A Book Together :)

    LOL this literally made me laugh
  6. V

    Lets Write A Book Together :)

    The first time it was funny, now just insulting but alas I suppose one should always have the honor of ridicule. I'm glad your amused at my expense and yes I like a good story people pick up the slack. :rolleyes:
  7. V

    Doomsday Preppers

    Yea, I think this is where the male species come in handy :cautious::rolleyes: ugh
  8. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I suppose I derailed the thread :cautious:
  9. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Good question, I hope someone answers. He hasn't been active since Dec, 2020.
  10. V

    Cell line HEK293 - the hellish basis for Pfizer's filthy "vaccine" - No Christian should touch this filth

    This is extremely appalling, the push for full term abortion makes sense now.
  11. V

    Lets Write A Book Together :)

    How could he betray me? Was he not sent by God?
  12. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I think we're saying the same thing. Though the "Jewish" people today are not keeping the correct Sabbath either nor are the Muslims etc
  13. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    I forgot in the morning :LOL:
  14. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    LOL yes this is what I'm saying :D
  15. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    But according to Genesis it does begin at dawn, so he wasn't writing something false. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3. And...
  16. V

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    But the new moon doesn't fall on the first every time on a traditional calendar. So recently my pastor made a point that Jesus was in the temple speaking on God's word and in the afternoon he was helping the sick, hungry, healing etc I think this is the biblical right way to keep the Sabbath and...
  17. V

    Doomsday Preppers

    Oh I just said this. Ok, I'm on the right track. And I don't know there seems to be a lot of professing Christian's that you would think the world would be in a better place with all the "forgiving" , "loving God" , "loving enemies" but it seems to be farther into the dark ages.
  18. V

    Doomsday Preppers

    So in a nutshell what is God's will and what was his doctrine? To love God with all your heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor like yourself?
  19. V

    Doomsday Preppers

    So what is the gospel and I wonder why it says creature as if including animals? :unsure:
  20. V


    I didn't get that from what he was saying :unsure: who knows.