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  1. G

    Midnight Confessions

    That would be one Mr. Wilson, but not so well known as the guy we are talking about. LOL
  2. G

    Good Old Christmas... Stress? (How Many People Do You Give Gifts To & How Much Do You Plan to Spend?)

    It's not really that much when you consider what they spent on the electronic devices they are typing on.
  3. G

    Midnight Confessions

    I think you know Bill W.
  4. G

    Good Old Christmas... Stress? (How Many People Do You Give Gifts To & How Much Do You Plan to Spend?)

    I had to chuckle at your $ choices. Who spends that little?
  5. G

    Midnight Confessions

    Maybe one for Mr. Wilson's family?
  6. G

    Would you marry you?

    I think I might get bored with perfection.
  7. G

    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    The main insanity of suicide is that you are trying to use it to escape from what you are now experiencing..... But, you are entering into something totally unknown, that is far more permanent, and from which you can NEVER EVER possibly escape. You cannot escape from the hereafter by...
  8. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    Despite all the woofing, it is an extremely rare bigot that will refuse life-saving help from a homosexual. (Doctor, Firefighter, Policeman, Soldier, Life Guard, Paramedic, etc.) Just a touch hypocritical, they are.
  9. G

    Is The Great Tribulation for Born Again Christians?

    I don't think there were too many "Born Again Christians" back in 70 AD.
  10. G

    Really need someone to vent to

    Not me. I don't just listen, I also speak my mind.
  11. G

    Ongoing Issues

    It is probably accurate that the Catholic Organization began fairly benignly, perhaps even with very good intentions. Luther and Calvin may have started out just as well-intentioned. But, all three (and more through the years) became "Religious", and went the way of Israel's Pharisees.
  12. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    But I can compose an intelligible sentence. LOL
  13. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    He's only been here six days; he'll learn.
  14. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    See, he is a nice guy, he asked God to bless me. Good things like that happen when you give someone the benefit of the doubt.
  15. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    You'll still get it anyway. (Jesus taught me that.)
  16. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    Well, I guess that label means he doesn't need the benefit of the doubt.
  17. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    Give him the benefit of the doubt that he must have meant to put "LOL" after that statement. Some people's humor is difficult to see.
  18. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    I think I am reading someone who would find himself in deep confusion about his own mixed ethnicity. (And about the fact that if he ever procreates, he will be deliberately perpetuating it.) LOL o_O
  19. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    This is but a tiny exerpt from a book that speaks directly to this subject, Everybody, Always by: Bob Goff. "Jesus told His friends if they wanted to be like Him, they needed to love their neighbors and they needed to love difficult people. This sounds so familiar that I’m tempted to just...
  20. G

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    If we will automatically shun others because of anything, then can we truly say we are followers of the one who didn't do that, Jesus? He said several THINGS were wrong, but the Bible seems to say he did not reject PEOPLE who were actually doing those things. The Apostles even tell their...