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  1. T

    Thank you, @BlessedByGod

    Thank you, @BlessedByGod
  2. T

    Last person to post wins!!!

    258 pages in, and I'm still winning.
  3. T

    Look who's here!

    PURPLENESS! I've thought of you guys a lot too :). Thanks for the welcome!
  4. T

    Young and Old

    I routinely feel old for my age. I listen to old music, watch old shows, enjoy old movies, read old books, and find myself talking to people at least twenty years older than myself. In my teenage years, peopled called me old all the time, and always thought I was older than my brother, who is...
  5. T

    Look who's here!

    It's a Tolkien name, yes! Though the name is mentioned in the Lord of the Rings, the character herself is actually from The Silmarillion...but don't get me started :D. Thank you! God bless you also :)
  6. T

    Look who's here!

    It was very much an AWOL situation...Glad to know I'm still welcomed back :D. Thank you!
  7. T

    Look who's here!

    Thank you for the welcome! I was born and raised here, and I've always liked it too :).
  8. T

    Look who's here!

    Thank you for the welcome!
  9. T

    Look who's here!

    Hello! I was on this site oh...some time ago now...under this same username. Perhaps some of you remember me from that. If not, I'm a twenty-year-old girl from Minnesota. I love reading, writing, guns, and lots of other random activities. Getting to know My God and Savior (studying theology), is...