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  1. W

    Psalms 126:5 NIV

    Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy... I pray that this day may come soon. And to all those who are suffering, I will pray for you. May one day we'll be together singing songs of joy. Amen!
  2. W

    what IS faith?

    Faith is one of the hardest things that I have ever learned in my lifetime.
  3. W

    How to get closer to God?

    I'm going through a difficult time and the only thing that's been helping me get through this is God. I watch videos about God, I go to church, I pray, I read the bible, but I want to get closer to God. I don't know what else to do... Any recommendations? I hear some people can listen to God...
  4. W

    Pray for me

    Thank you so much
  5. W

    Jeremiah 31

    That's right yesterday I woke up a bit sad but slowly I gather the strength to end my day as a good day. I thank God for giving me this day to appreciate what I didn't before. I thank God for my mother who has been an angel to me looking out for me during these difficult times. I thank God for...
  6. W

    Jeremiah 31

    Yes, that's what I need to do. I have to have faith in God that everything is going to be okay. I have to imagine a future where I am okay and living the path God wants me in. God is merciful and understanding of everyone. I thank God we have a loving God.
  7. W

    Greetings from California

    Thank you very much. I haven't thought of it like that. There is surely more to know.
  8. W

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    I have suffered from anxiety as well. It's not easy at all. When I get anxiety I listen to youtube videos about God. This somehow relaxes me. I keep listening till my anxiety seizes. Prayer helps too or going to church to pray helps a lot. It will bring you a sense of peace for sure. You have to...
  9. W

    Jeremiah 31

    If he was to restore love and joy in my life... what a wonderful blessing it would be. I find myself today in the depths of a depression. I am struggling to keep the silly and loving side of me alive but the darkness consumes me. I pray to God every night and give thanks in the mornings. I...
  10. W

    Jeremiah 31

    Thank you for the response.
  11. W

    Greetings from California

    Thank you all. You are all very kind.
  12. W

    Greetings from California

    Hi there I'm new to this. I heard people say that some maybe most don't seek God until something tragic happens to them. This is my case something tragic did happen to me, but at the same time something enlightening did too. I'm currently going through a rough time. I wished that I could have...
  13. W

    Tell me about the Heart of God....

    I just recently started getting in touch with God. Somewhere around my early 20s I could feel his presence and I felt that there is a God. I once felt a warm loving hug while I was alone and it was so random to me. But what I could remember it was the most loving and fulfilling embrace I've ever...
  14. W

    Jeremiah 31

    I very much appreciate your response. I am not familiar with a lot of things so this helps out a lot. I will have to read everything from beginning to end to understand it. I pray that God gives me strength and wisdom to overcome my current situation.
  15. W

    Jeremiah 31

    Thank you so much for your response. I will look into that. I have been having a rough couple of days, and I do pray things will get better.
  16. W

    Jeremiah 31

    I opened the bible this morning after having a difficult day yesterday. This was the first thing I read today, and it struck me. I heard Ephraim saying in grief: You disciplined me like an untamed calf, and I have been disciplined. Bring me back, and I will return, for you are my God, my Lord...
  17. W

    Pray for me

    Amen. Thank you so much.
  18. W

    Pray for me

    Thank you so much truly