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  1. pickles

    Dr, update

    Fisrt, thankyou char. and all so much for your prayers, Im so blessed for your care and prayers. Well, Im to have an MRI. Im not suprised about this. I did not realise how much this has progressed. I already had nerve damage in my right leg, but my left leg is affected now as well, I have no...
  2. pickles

    Son of ?

    Im just curious as to why does scripture refrance to both, and what your thoughts are on this. Jesus is refured to in some scripture as the Son of God, but also as the Son of man. Why the two refrences, and what does this mean to you? I have some thoughts on this but would like to read what you...
  3. pickles

    Id like to visit this again

    I would like to bring up something spoken to in the perfecting of Jesus thread. It was posted that Jesus and the apostles were sickly, because when they healed , or carried the burdens of others, they took the sufferings of others upon themselves. When I first came to this site I asked about...
  4. pickles

    praying for healing

    I wanted to ask for prayer well ahead of my dr. appointment. Please keep these two concerns in your prayers if you can, my appointment is the 30th. First, I have some very small barely visible moles that have shown up on my face, the concern is that the moles are turning into small holes in my...
  5. pickles

    Prayer request

    I was wondering if it would be possible to put a simple praying hands picture for that those who will pray for the request can give anonimously. I have often struggled between not wanting to have my name seen and the importance of that person knowing that in Jesus that their brothers and sister...
  6. pickles

    Vertigo again

    Well Im battleing vertigo again, each time I have asked for prayer here it has been gone in 24 hours or less. Tomorrow is a special day and I dont want to be sick. So please pray that it heals quickly again. Thankyou so much. God bless, pickles
  7. pickles

    I am so tired that...

    Just like it says... I am so tired that... I tried to put the leftovers from dinner away in the bathroom.:o God bless, pickles
  8. pickles


    It has been on my heart to post about this for a while now. I see many feeling this way, Ive felt this reciently also, and still do. Some wondering is God really there. Some not understanding the fear of God. Some are just discouraged in their walk. Some questioning why? in the scriptures...
  9. pickles

    a hope of fear

    There have been alot of posts on the fear of God Our Father and I have been reading them in hope. I hope that some of you can help me with this. You see, fear has always been born of abuse, cruelty,severe disapline,abandonement, and always meant that I would suffer some kind of pain. Mostly, as...
  10. pickles

    prayer asked

    Some friends of ours are having serious marriage problems. The husband , who has never been a strong believer, has asked if we would pray for them and requested prayer from our prayer requests. This is a big step for him. Please pray that in Jesus, not only for their marriage, but for Jesus to...
  11. pickles

    I always thought there was more to this.

    We read of the many healings of Jesus Our Lord, but the one that has always stood out to me is in John 9:1 through 7. It is where Jesus speaks to the blind man that was blind not due to sin but for the glory of God Our Father. The reason it stood out was because when Jesus healed this blind...
  12. pickles

    Why did God create ???

    This thread is more for the humorous :D that is given to us by God Our Father, but can be serious as well. Just as the title says, why did God create?
  13. pickles

    Humbleing,is a gift

    Well I finnally have read through the OT to Job, just in the first chapters right now. Before I began to read this last night , God Our Father pressed me down low. I was flattened by His greatness. Then I saw just how we are of nothing without Him in Jesus. All that I believed was my confidence...
  14. pickles

    Let us Pray!

    May all here at cc come together in Jesus Our Savior and Lord, let us all pray the powerful love, healing and protection of God Our Father, In Jesus, by His Holy Spirit to pour out apon all in christian chat. I agree in Jesus Christ is Lord. In the Love of Jesus, God bless, pickles
  15. pickles

    what we must do?

    I read this scripture last night, it has caused me to pause and consider very carefully. I believe that God is putting an important message on my heart about obedience and His requirements. This one is difficult because I have always lived with the belief that we are called be in all company in...
  16. pickles

    So that they may forget the law

    I was reading Maccabees last night and while I was reading this scripture I saw so many parallels in life today. I know it is happening here in the US, I wondered if many of you in other countries are seeing the same. Here is the scripture and then I speak to it. 1 Maccabees1:44 The king sent...
  17. pickles

    Justified or obedient

    Romans 14;10 But you, how can you sit in judgement on your brother? Or you, how can you look down on your brother? We shall all have to appear before the judgement seat of God. 11 It is written, as surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bend before me and every tounge shall give...
  18. pickles

    A rock

    Hi all, well today my hubby was helping me put in a rock garden. Well I dropped a rock on my big toe, and the next two. I was also wearing sandels. :o I know, not very smart. Well now I cannot move the three toes. Please pray that they are only bruised and not broken. Thankyou so much. God...
  19. pickles

    A wonderful family

    Hi all, today I met a wonderful family. Sweet children, the wife you could see her kind nature, and the husband, a gental man. The husband , his name is Barry just found out a few months ago that he has ALS. ( Lou Garricks Disease) I just ask that all who are willing? To commit to praying for...
  20. pickles

    prayer needed now

    A friend of mine just asked for prayer for her mother who is 83 yrs old. She took a bad fall and broke her pelvis, arm and tailbone. Please pray for Cat's mother. In Jesus, God bless. pickles