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    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    What is True Justification by Faith ? 2 Their forgiveness Preached unto them Acts 13:38 means their Justification from all sin is announced to them, convincing, persuading them of the same, that's the Spirits Work upon the Justified, He convinces them of their discharge from the penalty of...
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Jesus is speaking of Gentile Sheep of His not connected with Jewish Sheep of National Israel. Still all His Sheep
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    John 1:5 is saying fallen man is darkness, which agrees with Pauls statement of the natural unregenerate man Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: And so left remaining in that state, its declared there is no comprehension of the...
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    John 1:5 and 1 Cor 2:14 are about spiritually dead sinners !
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    False ! Both of those scriptures tell us about lost spiritually dead man.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    What I mean, everyone who has been chosen in Christ before the foundation as per Eph 1:4 will sometime in their lifetime be quickened by the Spirit, because Christ also died for them, and when quickened from being dead in sin Eph 2:1 they will be given repentance and faith in Christ and belief...
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Im teaching what the scripture teaches. Election always results in time Salvation.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Right, people think by saying Jesus Christ is Gods elect, somehow nullifies election of people, but it actually confirms the election of Grace, because, Jesus Christ was chosen as a Covenant, Surety Head, and His Body was Chosen in Him, His seed Eph 1:4, just as Adam had his seed in him in the...
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    When one is being drawn as in Jn 6:44 or Jn 12:32, that the newbirth and effectual call, so the ones being drawn will convert into believers, followers.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    See Both Christ and His Sheep are Gods elect, and Christ came to save only elect sinners.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    You deceived. That declares who Salvation is promised to in the Lord. Israel there is simply Gods elect from out the nations of the world.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Just one Group, Believers
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Christs Sheep are Gods elect as well, they needed and was given Salvation
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    It denotes one group, which group was clarified.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    False statement, Salvation is never stated as being made available, Salvation is promised to and executed upon a chosen People Isa 45:17 17 But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end. Matt 1:21 21 And she shall...
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    No I explain scripture. Gods world of elect is meant, or Sheep. Also service to God is foundationed upon Salvation Heb 9:14 14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    No, its only one group, those that believe clarifies who Hes the Saviour of.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    No you dont, you just deceived into thinking you believe what the scripture says.
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Thats the Sheep ! And all the Sheep shall believe, if a person never believes in Jesus, then its obvious Jesus didnt die for them, and couldn't have possibly been their Saviour. Hes a Saviour unto them He died and rose again for and saved Acts 5:31 31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to...
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    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    No its not, and yes its the Sheep Paul is discussing, cant be any others