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  1. Devin553344

    I have something wrong with my body

    The doctor is going to recheck in 4 weeks.
  2. Devin553344

    For Monica in ICU

    Praying for your brothers daughter and your son.
  3. Devin553344

    My friend is dying :(

    Praying for your friend. Sorry to hear about this. My Dads sisters family all suffer from cancer and it is not fun to watch. One has died already and another near death. One is doing OK.
  4. Devin553344

    I have something wrong with my body

    Probably not the best advice to ignore going to see the doctor. I'm older and have learned well that if you ignore going to the doctors you can get yourself into a super painful and excruciating experience. Often times they can render aid that can alleviated potential problems that can come up...
  5. Devin553344

    My mother/COVID

    Praying for your mother!
  6. Devin553344

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy thanksgiving and wonderful OP! :)
  7. Devin553344


    That's really sad. I think killers are probably evil unless it's warfare. Then that's a different story. But murder is evil. Probably a hate crime.
  8. Devin553344

    I have something wrong with my body

    Thanks for your prayers. Whatever it is we caught it early. I will update when I know more from the doctor.
  9. Devin553344

    I have something wrong with my body

    I went to the doctors to check out my heart, they found that my white blood cell count was a tiny bit above high. So I thought nothing of it but wanted to make sure it came back down. So I saw the doctor a month later and it has increased noticeably. Any prayers are appreciated, Thanks, Devin
  10. Devin553344

    I Don't Like Men

    I only like women, but have men that are friends so I understand ;)
  11. Devin553344

    Please Pray For My Dad

    Praying for your Dad.
  12. Devin553344

    Marriage again

    Thanks for all the good advice, this helps!
  13. Devin553344

    Marriage again

    I'm not sure.
  14. Devin553344

    Marriage again

    It failed from a series of unfortunate events. The problem I have with getting re-married is the way I handled the divorce. I was destroyed by it.
  15. Devin553344

    Marriage again

    Thanks that's good advice.
  16. Devin553344

    Has anyone heard of the Bermuda Triangle?

    It's supposed to be a magnetic anomaly of the earth's magnetic field where the compass needle spins and does not show true north. Thus all the lost ships and planes. I watched a documentary on it years ago.
  17. Devin553344

    Marriage again

    I was married once and it turned out bad at first and then got better and lastly ended badly. I don't think I want to put myself thru that again. Any advice?
  18. Devin553344

    Dream i had about the vaccine

    I find your dreams interesting and it would appear that you are a little obsessed with this mark of the beast, which the vaccine is not. But I wanted to share a memory that surfaced which was from God. I received it about 7 years ago. I was on a UFO and there was a dead black man that the...
  19. Devin553344

    Hello from Seattle

    CB=Christian Board, it's another forum that I post in. But there are a lot of conspiracy theorists there.