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  1. B

    Romans 10:13

    I can see you are clueless about salvation.
  2. B

    Romans 10:13

    Yes A Person must be saved in order to believe. The order is first saved, then second the fruit believing.
  3. B

    Romans 10:13

    Yes it is, its the Gospel which you scoff and reject in the name of calvinism. A person is spiritually dead to God until they are made alive, then they call upon His Name Ps 80:18 18 So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.
  4. B

    Romans 10:13

    That verse doesnt help you.
  5. B

    Romans 10:13

    You have been deceived friend, may God have mercy on you
  6. B

    Romans 10:13

    Yes it does. There is no spiritual life , believing is the fruit of having life, the ability to hear.
  7. B

    Romans 10:13

    I know what regeneration means, and one has to be alive to hear and believe, duh. You got it backwards, one believes after being made alive, dead folks cant and dont believe.
  8. B

    Romans 10:13

    I dont know, thats Gods business and appointment
  9. B

    Romans 10:13

    Lol, more scoffing of the Truth of God, calling it calvinism isnt going to excuse you from the scoffing, thats adding to it
  10. B

    Romans 10:13

    You scoffing Gods purpose of Salvation, Im just a teacher of it, a vessel of mercy
  11. B

    Romans 10:13

    Okay. Christ as Saviour gives repentance did you know that ? Acts 5:31 31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. The sinners He calls to repentance, He likewise gives it to them, causes them to repent.
  12. B

    Romans 10:13

    A person is saved before and in order to believe the Gospel, thats why its the Gospel of their Salvation Eph 1:13 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of...
  13. B

    Romans 10:13

    Scoffing Gods Salvation !
  14. B

    Romans 10:13

    Lol, I know who wrote Rom 4:25, and it declares that those whom Christ was delivered up for, rose again because what He did by dying for them, Justified them, thats the testification of His resurrection Rom 4:25 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification...
  15. B

    Romans 10:13

    Correct, they were in a saved regenerated state when they heard the Gospel.
  16. B

    Romans 10:13

    Right they shall be saved opposed to shall get saved
  17. B

    Romans 10:13

    They were already saved or in a saved state.
  18. B

    Romans 10:13

    No I'm telling you the truth.
  19. B

    Romans 10:13

    Okay but unfortunately nothing changes
  20. B

    Romans 10:13

    Those in Rom 10:13 were already saved/regenerate. We can not hear or believe spiritually as lost natural people.