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    Why does God love us?

    Does God Love Esau ?
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    Why does God love us?

    Did God Hate Esau ? Yes or No
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    Why does God love us?

    Does God hate Jacob ? Rom 9:13 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
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    Why does God love us?

    Did God hate Esau like He said ?
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    Why does God love us?

    lol So did God Love Esau or hate him Rom 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Hear you tell it, mans will obstructs Gods will, man is god and god is his creature
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Oh yeah, you say Gods will isnt always done in respect to God wills people to be saved but they wont be saved, then you mention men have a freewill. So mans freewill trumps Gods Sovereign will to save.
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Your beliefs put man as overruling God!
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Hear you tell it man's will is freer than God's Will, you bow to man, that is your God
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    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    Again they were of a chosen generation before they believe, they were chosen in Christ as His seed/generation before the foundation of the world Eph 1:4. So it's predetermined they will believe in time.
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Your beliefs are atheistic, elevation of man's will over God's will .
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    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    They were a chose generation before they came into the world, so yes they believe, they were chosen to believe.
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    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    Already refuted all this nonsense, numerous times.
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    You mean you believe mans will is sovereign over Gods will, which is Blasphemy ! Mans will is the god you bow to !
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    What two objectives are here stated as Christ coming into the world being sent ? Lk 19:10 10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Was He 100% successful in those 2 objectives ?
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Its not about me. Its about Christ. You have publicly stated that Gods will isnt always done, which amounts to saying, the sinner mans will has reigned over the sovereign will of God, for God willed, purposed one thing and something different from His will and purpose came to pass. To me thats...
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    To say yes means all whom Christ same to seek and to save which were lost as Per Luke 19:10 10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. So you believe that 100% of the lost He sought, were saved ? Correct ?
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    This isnt about me. This is about was Jesus successful in saving those who God His Father willed to be saved. You blasphemously said NO. Now that conclusion hasn't nothing to do with me friend. As far as I can see from your comments, you believe the will of others can and does trump Gods will...
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    Was Jesus successful in seeking and saving that which was Lost ? Yes or No