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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    Do you keep the sabbath holy as commanded in Exodus?
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    My point was that IF God forgave future sins BEFORE they happened then killing ananias and sapphire was unjust because the lie would have been forgiven before they ever told it..
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    BLIK, you really have a gift. you was able to tell by my typing a post that i had so much anger!!!! lol ......for some reason i'm starting to like you
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    I agree that Jesus didn’t actually break an Old Testament command. He violated the interpretations religious leaders had developed around the biblical commands of keeping the Sabbath day holy. the Pharisees added their own laws....the same way, the people who say they keep the sabbath in 2020...
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    i doubt very seriously if the pharisees where mistaken when it came to the law. they accused him seveal times. why did Jesus never address the accusation of him breaking the sabbath and show them in the law that they were wrong? Jesus told a man to take up his bed and walk and break the...
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    Not By Works

    fair enough.....i was under the assumption after reading several posts on this looooooonggg thread that many believed they could continue in sin and live like the devil and call themselves Christians....thanks glad were on the same page. God bless
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Yes God is sovereign but God will not contradict his word Jesus made sure that the prophecied word came to pass Psalm 138:2 (KJV) .......for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    what do you mean by "suppose to be true"???? are you saying that God created men and women and predestined them to go to Hell? if so, lets think about that.......God says that it is not his will that any perish (2peter 3:9) yet you say he creates men who are predestined to go to Hell...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I noticed you didn't address ananias and sapphire being judged for lying to the Holy could they have lied if their lie was forgiven before they told it. If their lying was forgiven wasn't God wrong for killing them?
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    OF course I realize all my sin was in the future when Jesus died on the cross..........what's that have to do with it? If your doctrine is true why does anyone need to be born again? Wouldn't they have regeneration at the time of birth? So now we are preaching that nobody is born in need of...
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    Not By Works

    Paul also said: What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve...
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    Not By Works

    so does that mean that an unrighteous man is saved?
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    my point is that if i said i kept the sabbath i would have to do it like the bible says
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    i'm not understanding what you mean "IS EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK MEAN SATURDAY TOO?" yes we have revival services on Saturday........we do prayer meetings on most saturdays when we are not in revival.
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    sunday morning at 11:00 sunday night at 5:00 wed night 7:00 four or five times a year we have revivals and i go every night of week
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    the sabbath keepers accused Jesus of being a sinner because he broke the sabbath john 9:16 Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them.
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    Blik why do sabbath keepers put words in peoples mouth that they didn't say? i never said anything about Mary changing the sabbath day why are sabbath keepers afraid to answer questions about how they keep the sabbath? i guess i am to suppose it is because they know anyone with one eyeball...