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  1. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    :O Same here. Goodness! High functioning though, sometimes I prefer Aspie cuz that is more fun to say haha. That is why I hope I can get a job writing and to have this health business take off so that I'm not forced to be around people haha.
  2. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Rn it is mostly cleaning houses. I also am working on a health business on the side, and trying to get some freelance writing projects when I can. How about you? What sort of jobs do you have?
  3. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Hi! No, lol idk that movie haha.
  4. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Very cool! That is what I hope to do with a degree in theology is to write on Christian matters. Do you blog?
  5. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Theology and religion. :) Are you in school also?
  6. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Ah! Sounds interesting!
  7. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Thank you! :) I just got done studying for the day with college and now I am working. How about you?
  8. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Why do I not fit in?

    Ah, that makes sense. Glad it worked for you! :)
  9. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Why do I not fit in?

    It can be at times. Hmm, well, guess that makes two of us lol.
  10. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Why do I not fit in?

    Yeah, maybe. Sometimes it seems like churches are more judgmental... I made more atheist friends than Christian friends...and that isn't good. :( True, Christ was alone when they took Him, so I guess it isn't completely unheard of.
  11. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Last person to post wins

    whoa, didn't expect that on a Christian site.
  12. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Last person to post wins

    Why do you exist? :eek:
  13. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Why do I not fit in?

    Seems like I don't really fit in anywhere, and I'm guessing that has to do with a lot of my disorders. Anyone else feel like an outsider a lot of the time?
  14. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Last person to post wins

    Do I exist?
  15. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Last person to post wins

    Hmmm..... :unsure:
  16. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    Hey you...

    Back and forth in deep thought and listening to music. In other words, nothing particularly productive...
  17. PeaceHopeJoyLove

    OCD Help

    Hey! I also have OCD, among other things, and I understand how flustering it can be. I'm not a pro, but I just wanted to offer some support if you need it!