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  1. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    Amen. To say that God cannot do something is to say.. If FINITE, limited, me can not imagine God doing something then the INFINITE, unlimited, God cannot do it.
  2. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    GOD can do all things that He wills to do. The Bible says that God "put on flesh" to become man and dwell among us, to die on the cross and pay the high price that we could not pay.. the price of our redemption from sin. His Church long ago declared Jesus to be true God of true God, true man of...
  3. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    God The Son is not "powerless." That is a private interpretation that disagrees with the Church's interpretation..the 17 centuries old, Nicene Creed. - "We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, GOD from God, light from light, TRUE GOD from true...
  4. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    It is not either/or. The Trinitarian Persons of God the Father..,God the Son..God the Holy ONE God. Phillip asked Jesus to show him the Father. Jesus replied.. "Phillip. I have been with you so long and still you still do not understand? Whoever sees Me sees the Father."
  5. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    I was not putting God the Father first if that is what you meant. The three Divine Persons in the ONE God are co-equal. The holy Word of God tells us that there IS a Trinity. But it is a mystery. Meaning that it is an infinite Truth that lies far above the ability of our feeble, finite, minds to...
  6. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    The Trinity is a Doctrine not a myth. And it is VERY biblical. "Jesus said to him.."Whoever loves me will keep my Word, and my Father will love him, and WE will come to him.." (Jn.14:23) And.."Whoever sees me sees the Father." Then, when Jesus (1) created. the sacrament of Confession, He said...
  7. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    At the Baptism of Jesus You have Jesus (1) upon whom descends the Holy Spirit (2) after which the Father (3) says, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him." Saint Patrick gave us the example of clover plant having three leaves yet being one clover. I like a triangle. It has three equal sides...
  8. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    The very beginning of the Bible alludes to a Trinity...ONE God in three divine Persons.. "Let US (1) make man in OUR (2) image and after OUR (3) likeness." (Gen.1:26)
  9. K

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Amen! Nowhere in the Scriptures does it say..'The scriptures alone.' But the Bible, given to the world by the Holy Spirit through the Church at the Catholic Council of Carthage in 397 A.D. DOES say.. "Hold fast to the TRADITIONS you have received from us.." (2 Thess.2:15) and the scriptures DO...
  10. K

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Not the traditions of men described above but APOSTOLIC Tradition in the Catholic Church, described by saint Paul, is the solution. - "Hold fast to the TRADITIONS that you have received from us either by letter (scripture) or by word (Tradition) of ours. (Apostles.)" See 2 Thess.2:15
  11. K

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    He needs to look deeper. Pope John Paul II said.. "We reaffirm our respect for authentic Islam." He showed respect for - not worship of "authentic" not radicalized, Islam. It is the teaching of the Catholic Church that all religions have some truth. But the Catholic Church, personally founded...
  12. K

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Amen! I think that Satan's greatest victory has been to create division between Protestant and Catholic Christians. And I believe that Jesus foresaw our divisions when He prayed.. "Father that they may ONE, as you and I are ONE, so that the world may believe that you have sent the Son."...
  13. K

    Free will to have abortion or live gay life.

    So you formerly lived "a sinful life style" So you formerly lived "a very sinful life style" and you thank God for changing you. will not vote for President Trump because he formerly lived a very sinful lifestyle...
  14. K

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    We can not just "not be denominational" Like it or not Jesus Christ came 2,000 years ago to found ONE Church for us..not hundreds of denominations who can not all agree on one Christian doctrine! Jesus said to Simon, "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH." (Matt.16:18) The...
  15. K

    The Holy Spirit in Acts according to Acts

    Jesus, the High Priest, gave the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and to their successors (Acts 1:15-26) when He gave them the power to forgive sins..the Sacrament of Confession. Appearing to them through locked doors Jesus said.. "Peace be to you. AS the Father has sent me I now send YOU." When He...
  16. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    We need to read the whole context there that speaks of Jesus as being one with the eternal Creator God. Notice that 1 John begins with the exact same words used in the beginning of the Bible!.. "IN THE BEGINNING was the Word (Jesus) and the Word was with God. And the Word was GOD. He was in the...