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    I sometimes am a horrible Christian

    I Have my days were I share Christ and tell others about him, but there are days like today were I feel so afraid too. Especially when I know someone around me is an atheist. I guess I am afraid of being mad fun of. I know in scripture it talks about denying Christ before others he will deny...
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    celebrating Christmas

    I have read it is a pagan holiday. They used it to worship their FALSE gods. What do yall think? Do you think God is pleased that we are keeping alive a pagan holiday?
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    celebrating Christmas

    I am at odds here it dishoroning to the Lord to celebrate Christmas. I read that the customs originated from pagan rituals. Also, I know as Christians we choose to celebrate Because of the birth of our Savior. I understand Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December, but I don't see how he would...
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    church attendance

    Is it okay to attend more than one church? I attend my home Church on Sunday mornings, but a different church on Sunday and Wednesday nights. The reason I am asking is because I know the importance of attending my home Church on Sunday mornings, but my pastor also helps out at the church his...
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    missing church

    Can someone lose their salvation for missing Sunday morning church? I don't miss often and go more than just Sunday mornings. Sunday mornings I go to my home Church, but this morning I just didn't feel like going. It makes me feel so guilty because I have such much to thank God for and the...
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    help I fear I have denied Christ

    I fear I have denied Christ because I lied about what the ring I wear truly means. I wear a ring on my wedding finger because to me it means that I am first married to Jesus. No other man can have my heart until they truly know the lord themselves. Anyway a girl I am friends with asked me what...
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    What exactly is backsliding? What would be done on your part as a christian for it to be considered backsliding? Also, does one have to be baptized again if they have backslide?
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    Need advise for a past sin!

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    Need advise for a past sin!

    I really need some advice. I cheated on test a year ago in a college math class. Not to justify it but the teacher was really good about helping. She would let people fix the problems they missed so they would pass, and on the day of the test she left me alone in the because she had a meeting to...