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  1. Nebuchadnezzer

    Does it really matter?

    The sun is round, the moon is round, in the telescope jupiter and saturn and mars, and venus and all the planets are round, the moons of jupiter are round. And then you have pictures of earth from space that show us that the earth is indeed round. I have not seen anywhere in the bible...
  2. Nebuchadnezzer

    Wedding Feast Parable (Full scope of time)

    I think you are on to it. This man did not change. He did not change his clothes in this case. When someone comes to Christ something in them ought to change. They should make effort to change and hopefully make some success in changing because of God's power in them.
  3. Nebuchadnezzer

    spiritual struggle

    Forgive and you too will be forgiven. The Spirit enables us to totally forgive. One who does not totally forgive grieves the Spirit. Repent of your unforgiveness and lean on the Spirit for all your strength and understanding. It is not your power which can forgive. To forgive totally is...
  4. Nebuchadnezzer

    John 3:16-18 is not about God's universal love (there is no such thing).

    I know someone who believes that we are all children of God, regardless of whether they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior or not. This person was sincere and said to me, "God loves you". I felt compelled to return the gesture back to them and tell them that "God loves you too", but I...
  5. Nebuchadnezzer

    Election 101

    But then how can anyone have confidence? Hebrews 10:35-36 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Matthew 22:14 "For many are invited, but few are chosen." Are...
  6. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Revelation 22:18 says: I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. Now who has added more to God's word than the Roman Catholic Church? All the councils and dogmas, and...
  7. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    2 Thessalonians 2:11 is God's reason for letting Rome continue in its abominations. 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to...
  8. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    This thread is like, "Jerusalem! No Rome!, No Jerusalem!, No Rome!..." It is almost like the Bud Lite commercials of the 1980s, "Taste Great!, Less Filling!... The reality is that Bud Lite "Tastes Great!" first, and then a little later it is "Less Filling". Both are correct, but one...
  9. Nebuchadnezzer

    Luke 21:32 and the coming of the kingdom

    I agree with this view
  10. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    And how does, "the Beast once was, now is not, and yet will come", fit to 66 - 73AD roman/jewish war?
  11. Nebuchadnezzer

    Matthew 2:1-18

    The Wise men could have been from the region where Babylon was and were likely familiar with the prophesies of Daniel with the 70 weeks prophesy being one of them. Also the bible doesn't specify that there were three wise men, but three kinds of gifts. Matthew 2:1-3 gives indication that the...
  12. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    What is Mystery Babylon? Before we answer this we have to understand what was Babylon? Babylon was a the place/government/power/culture/religion... where God's people were taken, and held in captivity. God had to lead, freed and thus save his people out of Babylon. What is Mystery...
  13. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Here is another example of my "bigotry". The coronation of the British monarch is a ceremony in which the monarch of the United Kingdom (The Beast) is formally invested with regalia and crowned at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony is performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, (The False...
  14. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    There are no good christians, only God is good. Refer to Deuteronomy 18:9-22 Rule of thumb: The only visions you can trust are the visions spoken in God's Word (aka the Holy Bible).
  15. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Not only is this "julie daughter of the king" speaking for the LORD, but she also has visions. Here is her About me: "I am a born-again disciple of Yahushua (Jesus), and have been washed in His precious blood. I have been instructed to warn those who have ears to hear to repent- He is coming...
  16. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Your pondering is beyond my comprehension although I am aware of two verses which mention the color blue (sapphire). Rev 9:17 & Rev 21:19
  17. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Blue was a prominent and important color for ancient Israel and the fact that it is missing in Mystery Babylon and that you do not have an reasonable explanation this is a red flag to your interpretations. Emperor Titus, who only reigned for two years, him being the exclusive man of sin, the...
  18. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Exodus 39 1) And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the Lord commanded Moses. 2) And he made the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. From Smithsonian...
  19. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    ok, So who is the beast and false prophet after these things?