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  1. Krumbeard

    The manly thread of manly stuff (for women to hijack)

    Me neither. I don't even bother in the warm months.
  2. Krumbeard

    Weird food combos!

  3. Krumbeard

    What does your user name (member name) mean?

    Umm...mine is pretty self explanatory also. I was eating at work one day and had a crumb in my beard and one of the guys called me crumb beard. Thought that if I was a truck driver that could be a good CB handle.
  4. Krumbeard

    Weird food combos!

    Not sure about the mayo on pizza, but relish and mayo on burgers...Yum.
  5. Krumbeard

    Weird food combos!

    Got this idea from another thread. Thought it might be fun. What are some weird food combos you have had or made, or you have seen someone else eat or make? (I like to eat hotdogs in a roll and put mac n cheese on top. I like an onion sandwich from time to time.) Or some oddity about something...
  6. Krumbeard

    Reasonable for Him and ourselves.

    Again, laughing! What is the weirdest thing you've added to or had peanut butter with? Corn syrup seems a little odd to me but that's not a good measure of anything. And the sourdough mentioned in another thread I could give you my address and you would send me some. It's...
  7. Krumbeard

    So you finally found him/her! Now what?

    What if we reverse the roles here? I know this has already been touched on, but it could add some humor to this. I would fully expect her to take on the debt and help me out, even if she knows I spent it on another woman and that was only trying to get her (the other woman)...
  8. Krumbeard

    So you finally found him/her! Now what?

    Hey Mermaid, You should start another thread. :) I guess it could be flattering or disheartening, but not impressive in a good way. BUT...then again there are a lot of variables that could play into this, as I think about it a little more.
  9. Krumbeard

    Reasonable for Him and ourselves.

    Lynx, man this made me laugh! I like peanut butter also and will buy a couple of jars at one time once in a while but 18...:LOL: It must have been a great deal. Were these the big jars or just the normal small ones?:unsure:
  10. Krumbeard

    Christian men hang out

    I think not. Even though it may seem okay and that nothing will happen I believe our motives can always be tainted. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it. Jeremiah 17:9 Be careful!
  11. Krumbeard

    How do we withstand Loneliness?

    Thanks. Interesting. I think many understand this, but it is still there. This is a great reminder.
  12. Krumbeard


    Hello again bondservant. Been thinking about you. How have you been? Been praying for you.
  13. Krumbeard

    Would you rather??

    Throat stuff. Would you rather spend a day with a WW2 vet or a movie star?
  14. Krumbeard

    So you finally found him/her! Now what?

    That first part made me laugh, although it wouldn't be funny in real life. "My card was declined, can you pick up the tab?" The second part I agree with. It's interesting how differently people look at the same thing. Thanks
  15. Krumbeard

    So you finally found him/her! Now what?

    I never gave that a thought, about medical expenses. Hmmm....good point.
  16. Krumbeard

    Would you rather??

    Anyway back to the thread. Why a cave?
  17. Krumbeard

    Would you rather??

    He's doing okay, I guess. He texted me this evening and said he will not be at work tomorrow. He had seizure this evening. I guess this is a side affect from brain surgery.
  18. Krumbeard

    Would you rather??

    I work with a guy that had stroke like symptoms one day. He was trying to talk to me but his words were all jumbled and mixed up. Every time he tried to tell me what was happening it didn't make any sense. I could tell he was getting frustrated. After a few minutes it passed and he explained...