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  1. Lynne

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    Thank you for clarifying this for me. I’m new to studying false doctrines, and this one is new to me-the first I’ve heard of it. Now that I know what to call it I can research it. Thanks again so much, I really appreciate it!
  2. Lynne

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    Lol. Sorry about all the questions, I am trying to understand what your beliefs are. The most important question in the list is followed by related questions: Can you clearly explain in detail what the gospel you are trying to share with us is? According to your gospel, how can one obtain...
  3. Lynne

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    I have read through the entire thread up to #74. I’ve read everything you have said to this point, and I find it very confusing and concerning. You keep saying that you are here to share the gospel and that many people are not following the gospel you are sharing. You also insist the gospel you...
  4. Lynne

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    The second death is not something we, as followers of Christ filled with The Holy Spirit, should take lightly or make a joke about. Jesus never spoke lightly or made jokes about the second death (lake of FIRE, not fish!) and neither should we as His faithful followers. The second death...
  5. Lynne

    Good Morning! I’ve been browsing the forums this morning, and I am truly enjoying CC so far...

    Good Morning! I’ve been browsing the forums this morning, and I am truly enjoying CC so far. This community is definitely becoming part of my daily walk with Jesus. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better and to fellowship with you all. I hope you have a blessed day!
  6. Lynne

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    *Disclaimer: Any words in all capital letters in my post are not me yelling or angry, I’m just trying to emphasize the word. I think I may be misunderstanding what you are saying, and I’m a little confused. As I understand what you said……First you say we can not judge for ourselves if we...
  7. Lynne

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    I agree that we receive Jesus’ righteousness when we turn from and repent of our sins and accept Jesus as Lord and savior. God no longer sees our own filth and sin upon us but He sees Jesus’ righteousness. I also agree that Jesus is the perfect standard that God will accept, and He will accept...
  8. Lynne

    Depressed again

    You’re very welcome!
  9. Lynne

    Hello, want to share my struggles

    Hi! Welcome to CC! I’m sorry you are facing this struggle right now. It is very important for a Christian to be part of a community, but they must be part of a Christian community that follows Biblical principles and encourages living a godly lifestyle. Unfortunately, when a Christian befriends...
  10. Lynne

    Depressed again

    I have said a prayer for you also, and I will keep you both in my prayers.
  11. Lynne

    Depressed again

    Good morning! I will pray for your faith to be strengthened. If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you. I’m typically on earlier in the mornings before my study time. I’m not too sure what you are going through, but I want you to know that each and every one of us (THAT MEANS YOU!) are...
  12. Lynne

    Up early again! I’ve been following the discussion “Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus...

    Up early again! I’ve been following the discussion “Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?” Feeling concerned BC it seems many believe in a form of “soul sleep”. Mark 12:18-27 tells us that The Lord is God of THE LIVING, not the dead. If a...
  13. Lynne

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    The beliefs in the brackets [ ] were a post I quoted from the thread. They were a reply to OP I used to help explain why I asked the question (Why I asked if he was a JW or SDA). That isn’t what I said but what the OP replied to someone else. The OP poster’s name didn’t come up in the quote for...
  14. Lynne

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    The part of the post that said the following: “Finally, the very last thing Paul told these bereaved Thessalonians saints is that they were to “comfort one another with these words”, but with what words? That the dead are in heaven? No! With words of the resurrection. Paul wants all Christians...
  15. Lynne

    Good morning! Starting my daily routine learning how to navigate this site better, then I will...

    Good morning! Starting my daily routine learning how to navigate this site better, then I will be spending time on my online class work. (I’m currently working toward a degree in divinity with CLI. I’m thankful to God and CLI for the free ministry classes and low fees for a degree! Then I will...
  16. Lynne

    Thank you so much! Sorry I’m just seeing this, I’m still learning how to use the site, and...

    Thank you so much! Sorry I’m just seeing this, I’m still learning how to use the site, and unfortunately I only have apple products so I can’t download the app. Hope you had a merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and have a blessed new year!
  17. Lynne

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    Hello! I hope you had a merry Christmas and have a blessed new year! Are you a Seventh Day Adventist or Jehovah’s Witness? If not, what is your denomination? I’m trying to under where you are coming from to believe the way you do about the “soul sleep” doctrine. Also, I have three questions...
  18. Lynne


    Praying for you, and praying that if one door closes, the door that opens next will behold even greater blessings for you.
  19. Lynne


    While there are some people who can work and choose not to, there are also many people who have been severely injured or have disabilities that God has not healed yet that prevent them from working. Sometimes people just have a season of need. There are many reasons why people need help. I find...