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  1. Saturn

    It's the CC Singles Forum 2018 Yearbook! Which Categories Would You Fit Under?

    According to this super sophisticated clock, you may want to hurry up.
  2. Saturn

    What can you offer?

    The elect and the VERY elect???
  3. Saturn

    It's the CC Singles Forum 2018 Yearbook! Which Categories Would You Fit Under?

    This is a toughie. I'm torn between most likely to be found in a library and most likely to become Beyonce. I mean it's this Or this Who can make that choice?!
  4. Saturn

    Bachelors and Spinsters in New Hampshire

    Me! Me! Right here! Minus the never married or have children part. I have children. Lots and LOTS of children. I hope you like twins ;)
  5. Saturn

    Funny pic of a CC member...

    You don't know what tired is....
  6. Saturn

    Medieval Times, Part 1-- What Does a Modern-Day Knight in Shining Armor Look Like?

    Lord of the rings is my favorite trilogy. I love the friendship between Sam and Froto. That to me is a knight in shinning armor. Not someone who is going to save you from life, but someone who will go down to the worst possible places with you. Like the story of Ruth and Naomi, where you go i'll...